Well, you need not to append them, but insert into proper section of this
file -- it has a headers like in the ini files [header]. So, if you
appended it, you added them into wrong section. As far as I rememmber, You
need to insert them into [AutoExpand] or [Visualizers], not the last
[hresult] sections
On Sat, 04 Apr 2009 02:20:29 -0600, Max
On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 8:16 AM, Filip Konvička
wrote: Hi all,
https://svn.boost.org/svn/boost/sandbox/boost_docs/subprojects/Debugger Visualizers
Thank you very much for your continued effort! I'll download these shortly.
It's really interesting and probably an undermined power feature of MSVS.
I've appended the autoexp.dat for my VS2008SP1 and given demo.cpp a try. But I have not noticed any apparent benefit.
I believe I must have missed something abvious.
Thanks for any help.
B/Rgds Max