On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 5:31 AM, Joaquin M Lopez Munoz
Nick Stokes
writes: This is probably rather obvious, but I wasn't able to locate this guarantee in MIC docs. Take,
struct Foo { explicit Foo(Bar* b = nullptr) : bar(b) {} Bar* bar; };
int getBarValue (const Foo& f) { assert( f.bar ); return f.bar->getValue(); }
boost::multi_index< Foo, indexed_by< hashed_unique < member
>> , hashed_non_unique < global_fun > FooIndex;
void grill() { FooIndex fooIndex;
Bar* b; { auto bWork = make_unique<Bar>(); // ... fooIndex.emplace( bWork.get() ); b = bWork.get(); }
// ... }
Please ignore the fact that raw-pointers are potentially dangerous etc. The question is does erase() call getBarValue() despite the fact I am using the first index?
No. No key extractor or any other user-provided functor (compare predicate, hash function etc.) is ever used when erasing an element by iterator, regardless of the index you're using to do it. If you take a look at the docs for erase(iterator) at
http://www.boost.org/libs/multi_index/doc/ reference/hash_indices.html#modifiers
you'll see the exception safery if guaranteedly "nothrow", which means erase can't invoke any possibily-throwing user-provided function. This applies to all indices of Boost.MultiIndex. erase(const key_type&), on the other hand, needs to determine the elements to be erased by key extraction, hashing and comparing for equality (in the case of hashed indices) or key extraction [...]
Thank you very much Joaquín. With your explanation clarifying the nothrow, the docs are very clear indeed. I guess my question is a little more subtle. I think I understand now, but please let me reaffirm: In my example, erase(const key_type&) is being called for the 1-st index (key_type is Bar*), which *could* potentially throw, but in this case this is a simple pointer value and hashing and equality and therefore do *not* throw. But to adjust the 2nd index, MIC does not require the key_extraction on that (which would throw, or in fact, segv), because the node is already identified and is erased. Is that correct? Thanks, Nick