Lorenzo Bolla wrote:
I'm working with the boost::numeric::ublas library and I'm having some problems, but I'm posting here because I think the problem is due to the type_traits library. In fact, with Visual C++ 7.0 this piece of code does not compile, with the error C2529: "reference to reference is illegal".
#include <complex> //typedef double value_t; typedef std::complex<double> value_t;
int main() { // reference to reference!!! boost::remove_reference
::type const &a (value_t (0.)); return 0; } -----------------------------------
With value_t == double everything works fine. Any suggestions?
Adding BOOST_TT_BROKEN_COMPILER_SPEC(value_t) after the typedef should take care of it. See the second paragraph in http://www.boost.org/libs/type_traits/index.html#transformations. -- Aleksey Gurtovoy MetaCommunications Engineering