Deng Xiyue wrote:
在 2008-09-18四的 16:19 +0200,Ákos Maróy写道:
This is a bit of an offtopic question, but I wonder if there are any / if there will be any standard C++ / STL / boost friendly UI frameworks?
Gtkmm, the official C++ binding of GTK+[1], meets the requirement IMO. Though being a binding of GTK+ in nature, smart pointer Glib::RefPtr<> is restricted to its glib counterpart, the binding API was designed with standard C++ in mind, and uses standard containers, hence STL components can be used seemlessly, as well as boost utilities. It's one of the most standard C++ compliant GUI APIs at the moment.
I've used gtkmm a few years ago, and I didn't really have a good time doing so. for one, there's no native MacOS X port (only for X Windows on MacOS X, but 99% of Mac users don't run X). also, as it's a wrapper on top an OO-like C library gtk+, subclassing doesn't work as one would expect in C++. the main reason is that in the C code, the class type is stored locally, and subclasses will have the same gtk+ (C) 'class' type as their parent, actually, which provides quite a bit of confusion... Akos