The problem appears to be that each of your threads is locking a
different mutex, and so there is no synchronization among them.
Probably you want your worker classes to store myResource by reference
rather than by value (and eliminate the copy-constructor of
myResource, and better yet make it non-copyable). That way there will
be only one myResource object, and only one mutex.
On Tue, Aug 25, 2015 at 7:31 AM, Don El Ron
Dear all,
I use the following code:
__________________________________________________________________ #include
#include class myRessource{ public: myRessource() : m_iValue(0){} //copy ctor necessary, so a member of type boost::mutex is possible in this class myRessource(const myRessource ©Res) : m_iValue(0){} ~myRessource(){} void SendCommand(int ival){ myMutex.lock(); m_iValue=ival; std::cout << "resource update to " << ival << " active count is " << myMutex.active_count << std::endl; myMutex.unlock(); } private: int m_iValue; boost::mutex myMutex; };
int iSleepTime1=200; int iSleepTime2=30;
class myWorker1 { public: myWorker1(myRessource res): m_res(res){} ~myWorker1(){} void DoWork(void){ m_res.SendCommand(1); boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(iSleepTime1)); m_res.SendCommand(2); boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(iSleepTime1)); m_res.SendCommand(3); boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(iSleepTime1)); m_res.SendCommand(4); boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(iSleepTime1)); } private: myRessource m_res; };
class myWorker2 { public: myWorker2(myRessource res): m_res(res){} ~myWorker2(){} void DoWork(void){ m_res.SendCommand(201); boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(iSleepTime2)); m_res.SendCommand(202); boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(iSleepTime2)); m_res.SendCommand(203); boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(iSleepTime2)); m_res.SendCommand(204); boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::milliseconds(iSleepTime2)); } private: myRessource m_res; };
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { myRessource r; myWorker1 w1(r); boost::thread workerThread1(&myWorker1::DoWork, &w1);
myWorker2 w2(r); boost::thread workerThread2(&myWorker2::DoWork, &w2); workerThread1.join(); workerThread2.join(); } ___ _______________________________________________________________ This results in the following output (no formatting, e.g. line breaks done):
resource update to resource update to 201 active count is -21474836481 active co unt is -2147483648 resource update to 202 active count is -2147483648 resource update to 203 active count is -2147483648 resource update to 204 active count is -2147483648 resource update to 2 active count is -2147483648 resource update to 3 active count is -2147483648 resource update to 4 active count is -2147483648
The output always looks like this, i. e. the first two lines are "merged", whereas the remaining lines look just fine. Why does this happen and what do I have to do in order to correct my mistake??? Many thanks in advance!
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