I want to provide my own main function while using Boost.Test. So I have included the following macros:
In my main function I have a call to:
::boost::unit_test::unit_test_main(®istering_all_tests, argc, argv)
but this gives me the following error when build on OS X using Xcode 6:
Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: "boost::unit_test::unit_test_main(bool (*)(), int, char**)", referenced from: _main in main.o
I found out that including the following file:
Boost.Test can be used in “header-only” or “separately compiled” mode,> although **separate compilation is recommended for serious use**. I have built the library separately. The Boost doc also states: Including the UTF directly into your test module> > If you prefer to avoid the standalone library compilation you can> either include all files that constitute the static library in your> test module's makefile or include them as a part of a test module's> source file. To facilitate the later variant the UTF presents the> single-header usage variant. In either case no special build options> or macro definitions are required to be added to your compilation> options list by default. But the same flags that can be used for the> standalone library compilation are applicable in this case. Though,> obviously, neither BOOST_TEST_DYN_LINK nor BOOST_TEST_NO_LIB are> applicable. This solution may not be the best choice in a long run,> since it requires the UTF sources recompilation for every test module> you use it with and for every change of a test module you are working> on. In a result your testing cycle time may increase. If it become> tiresome, I recommend switching to one of the prebuilt library usage> variants. It seems that by choosing to include the included (vs. linked) version of Unit Test Framework I am dong the wrong thing. Can someone please clarify the correct approach. The examples of overriding main don't mention the need to do this.