On Mon, 18 Nov 2019 at 23:55, Nat Goodspeed via Boost-users
Since the arrival of Boost.Stacktrace, I've been expecting a conventional boost::errinfo_stacktrace helper to join the suite of other boost::errinfo_mumble helpers. Is there a PR open with that?
There's already support for it. https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_65_1/doc/html/stacktrace/getting_started.ht... I never got the point of boost.exception though. If you want exception info, just hook into your exception runtime and get all of them, instead of just the ones thrown with the boost exception magic. Also you don't really need to do that for every throw, you only need to do it if the throw is not matched to any catch or if the catch is a special one. There is special compiler magic that allows you to run code before unwinding for specific catch sites. What I personally do is that I go the extra mile: I generate a core file, which is more useful than a stack trace. That's a lot more expensive than just getting the stack though.