Hello all,
I have just installed the Boost Graph Library - Python Bindings.
Everything seemed to be ok, I can read a graph from the example
"mst.dot" file and from my own ".dot" files, I can write them back to a
However, when I try the example script (at the end of the following
page: http://www.osl.iu.edu/~dgregor/bgl-python/),
import boost.graph as bgl
# Load a graph from the GraphViz file 'mst.dot'
graph = bgl.Graph.read_graphviz('mst.dot')
# Convert the weight into floating-point values
weight = graph.convert_property_map(graph.edge_properties['weight'],
... etc
it stops at the third line with the following error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "