On Thu, 10 Jan 2019 at 12:15, Osman Zakir via Boost-users < boost-users@lists.boost.org> wrote:
If you guys haven't already, I'd like to ask you to read my app's source code. Especially the C++ code. And please also actually get the code and try to run it (though for that you'll need Jinja2Cpp and Nlohmann/JSON and also a Google Maps API Key and currencylayer.com API access key). I need some help in debugging the networking code. I also opened an issue about this ten days on the Boost.Asio GitHub, the link for which is: https://github.com/boostorg/asio/issues/184 . The link to my app's code on GitHub is there, as well as the links to the Boost.Beast example code that I used (note: I didn't write the networking code myself; I just used the examples given on Beast's GitHub repository and extended it to also handle POST requests).
If there's any info you guys need that I haven't given yet, let me know and I'll give it.
You're kiddin' right? You are actually asking [some pretty busy] people to [get acquainted with, and] debug your code for you, for free, I presume. Iff you have a minimal example exposing you're problem, maybe some help might come your way, but you're already sighting a gazillion dependencies, the problem could be anywhere [but most probably in your own code, look there, check invariants, assumptions you make and re-read docs pertaining to your dependencies]. You write: "... I just used the examples given on Beast's GitHub repository and extended it to also handle POST requests)", that sounds like a likely candidate [the "just" doesn't sound right in my ear]. degski -- *“If something cannot go on forever, it will stop" - Herbert Stein*