Matías Nicolás Bossa
I'm a new Boost user and I need to install it (v. 1.30.0) under Windows 2000, with Borland C++ Builder 6. I've succeed in correctly installing and using it under linux, but I couldn't install it under Windows.
I downloaded and unpacked boost_1_30_0.zip. I set the following variables:
BOOST_ROOT=d:\proyect\boost_1_30_0 TOOLS=borland BCCROOT=c:\archiv~1\borland\cbuilder6 PYTHON_ROOT=c:\win\python
I compiled bjam.exe by running tools\build\jam_scr\build.bat, and put it somewhere in the path. (but I also tried downloading a precompiled version)
I run bjam from the boost_1_30_0 directory and the following message appeared:
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...found 5339 targets... ...updating 573 targets... borland-C++-action libs\python\build\bin\boost_python.dll\borland\debug\runtime-link-dynamic\numeric.obj libs\python\build\../src\numeric.cpp: Error E2401 D:\project\boost_1_30_0\boost/python/object/inheritance.hpp 69: Invalid template argument list Error E2040 D:\project\boost_1_30_0\boost/python/object/inheritance.hpp 69: Declaration terminated incorrectly Error E2231 D:\project\boost_1_30_0\boost/python/object/inheritance.hpp 130: Member cast_generator
::is_upcast cannot be used without an object Error E2401 D:\project\boost_1_30_0\boost/python/object/inheritance.hpp 131: Invalid template argument list Error E2040 D:\project\boost_1_30_0\boost/python/object/inheritance.hpp 132: Declaration terminated incorrectly Error E2228 D:\project\boost_1_30_0\boost/python/object/inheritance.hpp 132: Too many error or warning messages *** 6 errors in Compile ***
Boost.Python is not compatible with Broken^H^H^H^H^Horland C++.
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For the moment I just need ublas and random libraries,
Then I think you can just ignore those errors.
-- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting www.boost-consulting.com