RE: [Boost-users] Re: Bjam- racking my brain

Brian Braatz wrote:
Any help would be appreciated, tomorrow afternoon I am going to go
at it, and this time I might "get all medieval" about things :)
Rene Rivera Wrote: build/v2 is not used for building Boost. It's the experimental, and under development, next version of Boost.Build. If you plan on using BBv2 read its separate documentation at boost-root/tools/build/v2/index_v2.html
I am sorry - I am confused and am trying to find my way out: *- What is listed for download on sourceforge does not reference a version of build v1 or bjam v1 or what have you. ( I am confused as to how to get the older version) * when I build the code in jam_src and run it- it reports: Boost.Jam Version 3.1.8. OS=NT. This is the same version I used to build boost with (successfully) with vc7.1. I am using the source for bjam included in the 1.31 release of boost * when I try to build boost with a simple bjam stage at the root dir of boost, it succeeds * when I double check the BOOST_ROOT env var with a dir command- it shows me the right dir * my TOOLS envvar is set to TOOLS=vc7.1 This was necessary before being able to build boost * when I CD into the HELLO example for bjam and try a Bjam I GET warning: no toolsets are configured. warning: you won't be able to build C++ programs. warning: please consult the documentation. C:/Data/Rmtg/Root/_Common/_Lib/Boost/V_1_31/tools/build/v2/build\targets .jam:1073: in construct from module object(exe-t arget-class)@1 error: unable to construct ./hello C:/Data/Rmtg/Root/_Common/_Lib/Boost/V_1_31/tools/build/v2/build\targets .jam:914: in object(exe-target-class)@1.generate from module object(exe-target-class)@1 C:/Data/Rmtg/Root/_Common/_Lib/Boost/V_1_31/tools/build/v2/build\targets .jam:510: in generate-really from module object( main-target)@1 C:/Data/Rmtg/Root/_Common/_Lib/Boost/V_1_31/tools/build/v2/build\targets .jam:483: in object(main-target)@1.generate from module object(main-target)@1 C:/Data/Rmtg/Root/_Common/_Lib/Boost/V_1_31/tools/build/v2/build\targets .jam:179: in object(project-target)@1.generate f rom module object(project-target)@1 C:/Data/Rmtg/Root/_Common/_Lib/Boost/V_1_31/tools/build/v2\build-system. jam:160: in load from module build-system C:\Data\Rmtg\Root\_Common\_Lib\Boost\V_1_31\tools\build\v2\example\..\ke rnel\modules.jam:259: in import from module modu les C:\Data\Rmtg\Root\_Common\_Lib\Boost\V_1_31\tools\build\v2\example\..\ke rnel\bootstrap.jam:120: in boost-build from modu le C:\Data\Rmtg\Root\_Common\_Lib\Boost\V_1_31\tools\build\v2\example\boost -build.jam:2: in module scope from module When I TRY: bjam -sTOOLS=vc7.1 bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7.1" bjam debug bjam release bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7.1" debug bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7.1" release I always get the above errors If I COPY the files in \tools\build\v2\example\hello to the ROOT of boost (and overwrite the jam file there)- IT DOES BUILD PROPERLY I have build bjam and stepped through it in the IDE and was not able to make much of what the source was doing (other than it looks like a lot of recursive parsing of files) (spent most of my evening yesterday doing that. MY QUESTIONS: * Which is the right version of boost to be running here? * does the \tools\build\v2\example\hello sample bjam compile for anyone else? (i.e. is it broken?) * is there a good sample of a simple working example for bjam somewhere else? * Any ideas on why I can BUILD BOOST but not any of the subprojects (everything else I have tried has the same problems) * How do you folks debug this thing- ****any**** techniques would be helpful * is the toolsets it is complaining about the COMPILER (i.e. TOOLS envvar?) or is it something else entirely? * HELP ! :) I am doing this pain because I am trying to get boost defined as the standard in my company (It is within my power to do that). I would also like to use the bjam tool as our standard build tool, but I FIRST need to figure out how to build projects with it (grin). Thanks to anyone for thoughts or things to try. Thanks Brian C Braatz

Brian Braatz wrote:
Rene Rivera Wrote: build/v2 is not used for building Boost. It's the experimental, and
I am sorry - I am confused and am trying to find my way out:
*- What is listed for download on sourceforge does not reference a version of build v1 or bjam v1 or what have you. ( I am confused as to how to get the older version)
OK, some explanation... In SF there are 2 downloads: boost-build-2.0-* and boost-jam-3.1.*. That boost-build-2.0 is the version 2 I mentioned which is the experimental version. boost-jam-3.1.* is the scripting engine BJam (based on Perforce Jam & FreeType Jam) that both V1 and V2 run on top of. If you are only interested in building Boost release up to and including the upcoming 1.32 release you use V1. If you are interested in using Boost.Build to build your own projects, you then have the choice of using V1, or experimenting with V2. V2 is in many ways superior to V1, but it has the usual drawbacks of experimental software of less widespread testing and not as much encompassing support. The plan for Boost is to use V2 for the releases after Boost-1.32.
* when I build the code in jam_src and run it- it reports: Boost.Jam Version 3.1.8. OS=NT. This is the same version I used to build boost with (successfully) with vc7.1. I am using the source for bjam included in the 1.31 release of boost
Yes. There is also an updated version, 3.1.10, of that in SF. Which is the build of the code that is present in the Boost CVS.
* when I try to build boost with a simple bjam stage at the root dir of boost, it succeeds
It works because it's using V1 at that point.
* when I double check the BOOST_ROOT env var with a dir command- it shows me the right dir
Not really needed for you to set that. But no real harm done.
* my TOOLS envvar is set to TOOLS=vc7.1 This was necessary before being able to build boost
Or doing "bjam -sTOOLS=vc7.1", would also work. You did read the "Getting Started" instructions right ;-) [.boost-root/more/getting_started.html]
* when I CD into the HELLO example for bjam and try a
warning: no toolsets are configured. warning: you won't be able to build C++ programs. warning: please consult the documentation.
And it doesn't work because all the examples in ../build/v2 are using V2 of Boost.Build. You need to read the instructions I pointed out earlier on how to use and setup that new version.
If I COPY the files in \tools\build\v2\example\hello to the ROOT of boost (and overwrite the jam file there)- IT DOES BUILD PROPERLY
You got lucky ;-) I would have thought that would not work either.
I have build bjam and stepped through it in the IDE and was not able to make much of what the source was doing (other than it looks like a lot of recursive parsing of files) (spent most of my evening yesterday doing that.
Ahh, that was likely a waste of time. sorry :-(
* Which is the right version of boost to be running here?
See above for answer.
* does the \tools\build\v2\example\hello sample bjam compile for anyone else? (i.e. is it broken?)
Yes, but it requires additional work on your part. It's not automatic like V1 is. [[yet]]
* is there a good sample of a simple working example for bjam somewhere else?
For V1 you can look in ../tools/build/v1/example/...
* Any ideas on why I can BUILD BOOST but not any of the subprojects (everything else I have tried has the same problems)
Also already answered.
* How do you folks debug this thing- ****any**** techniques would be helpful
It helps to start out with the right foot. Otherwise careful placement of prints in the jam code itself, coupled with careful use of the -d debug options.
I am doing this pain because I am trying to get boost defined as the standard in my company (It is within my power to do that). I would also like to use the bjam tool as our standard build tool, but I FIRST need to figure out how to build projects with it (grin).
Only two suggestions: 1) Read the documentation, for V1 it's in tools/build/v1, and for V2 it's in tools/build/v2. 2) Ask more questions at the Boost.Build list (see where others are also likely to answer. -- -- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything -- Redshift Software, Inc. - -- rrivera/ - grafik/ - 102708583/icq
participants (2)
Brian Braatz
Rene Rivera