Missing timestamp.c in jam_src

I just downloaded Boost 1.27.0 and tried to build jam for my Tru64 Unix system. The make failed, because there is no timestamp.c in the tools/build/jam_src directory.

I just downloaded Boost 1.27.0 and tried to build jam for my Tru64 Unix system. The make failed, because there is no timestamp.c in
--- In Boost-Users@y..., "rwhadsell"
tools/build/jam_src directory.
No reply? Anybody? Do you need a specific question? What have I done wrong? Where is timestamp.c? Should I delete it from Makefile?

on 3/22/02 9:25 AM, rwhadsell at hadsell@blueskystudios.com wrote:
I just downloaded Boost 1.27.0 and tried to build jam for my Tru64 Unix system. The make failed, because there is no timestamp.c in
--- In Boost-Users@y..., "rwhadsell"
wrote: the tools/build/jam_src directory.
No reply? Anybody? Do you need a specific question? What have I done wrong? Where is timestamp.c? Should I delete it from Makefile?
Try downloading the .zip file. It is in my copy. You could also get the file out of CVS at <http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/boost/boost/tools /build/jam_src/timestamp.c?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/plain>. Chris

Chris Little wrote:
Try downloading the .zip file. It is in my copy.
O.K. I did that, and it has timestamp.c. However, all of the end-of-line characters are the PC-style <CR><LF> (or vice versa). I tried unzip's -a option, but it seems that all the files are marked as binary. I am about to fix just timestamp.c and copy it to my download from the .gz version. I'm just concerned about what else might be missing or in error. Can someone responsible for setting up these files comment on these problems?
You could also get the file out of CVS at <http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/boost/boost/tools /build/jam_src/timestamp.c?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/plain>.
Thanks for the suggestions. My only concern is the one I mentioned above. -- Dick Hadsell 914-259-6320 Fax: 914-259-6499 Reply-to: hadsell@blueskystudios.com Blue Sky Studios http://www.blueskystudios.com 44 South Broadway, White Plains, NY 10601

On Wednesday 20 March 2002 03:31 pm, you wrote:
I just downloaded Boost 1.27.0 and tried to build jam for my Tru64 Unix system. The make failed, because there is no timestamp.c in the tools/build/jam_src directory.
Are you sure you unpacked the entire distribution? Both the .zip and the .tar.gz for 1.27.0 have timestamp.c in them. Doug

Douglas Gregor wrote:
Are you sure you unpacked the entire distribution? Both the .zip and the .tar.gz for 1.27.0 have timestamp.c in them.
I downloaded the .tar.gz version from http://boost.sourceforge.net/release/boost_1_27_0.tar.gz, and it seems fine. I think that the download with the problem was from http://www.boost.org/boost_all.tar.gz, so I tried it again. And that also was o.k. After some more investigation, I have figured out that I lost the file between importing the library into our CVS repository and checking it out again. Our repository ignores timestamp.c, because that is a file that our build system can generate. Please excuse my waste of your time, and thanks for the suggestion to just try it again. -- Dick Hadsell 914-259-6320 Fax: 914-259-6499 Reply-to: hadsell@blueskystudios.com Blue Sky Studios http://www.blueskystudios.com 44 South Broadway, White Plains, NY 10601
participants (4)
Chris Little
Douglas Gregor
Richard Hadsell