Boost General Interest mailing list

Boosters, This message announces the Boost General Interest mailing list, called Boost-Interest. This list is a moderated low-traffic announcement-only list of interest to the Boost community. On topic messages will include announcements of books, magazine articles, papers, talks, seminars, products, tools, events, or conferences on advanced uses of C++, generic/generative/meta-programming, and, of course, the Boost libraries. Off topic will be discussion of any kind and job postings. Yes, this is an opt-in list for announcements, but it is a moderated list and the moderators make you two promises. This list will be low volume and all messages will be on-topic (as defined by the charter above). Subscribe or unsubscribe at the Boost-Interest home page: Anyone may post to this list, but due to the high potential for abuse, each message is individually moderated. Please anticipate some delays in posting and understand that the list moderators have the final say on what is or is not on-topic. -- Jon Kalb Boost-Interest Moderator
participants (1)
Jon Kalb