What is the best way to obtain a constant one for any numeric type?

Is there any trait in Boost that allows me to get the value of one for any numeric type? What I'm looking for is something that would work like the following: boost::numeric_traits<int>::one; // 1 boost::numeric_traits<long>::one; // 1L boost::numeric_traits<double>::one; // 1.0 boost::numeric_traits<float>::one; // 1.0f And so on. Does it exist, or something equivalent? I've looked into NumericConversion, but I haven't quite found something similar. What I'm using now is something equivalent to the following: template<class Number> Number one() { return Number(1); } Maybe this is safe enough? I know I can do this trait by myself, but I would like to avoid it if possible, specially considering that I'm working on an already complex Boost library. Thanks. -- Javier Dehesa

On 19.05.2014 12:52, Javier Dehesa wrote:
Is there any trait in Boost that allows me to get the value of one for any numeric type?
What I'm looking for is something that would work like the following:
boost::numeric_traits<int>::one; // 1 boost::numeric_traits<long>::one; // 1L boost::numeric_traits<double>::one; // 1.0 boost::numeric_traits<float>::one; // 1.0f
And so on. Does it exist, or something equivalent? I've looked into NumericConversion, but I haven't quite found something similar. What I'm using now is something equivalent to the following:
template<class Number> Number one() { return Number(1); }
Maybe this is safe enough?
I know I can do this trait by myself, but I would like to avoid it if possible, specially considering that I'm working on an already complex Boost library.
I doubt there's such a function in the public API of Boost.
However, your own solution has a greater potential than you might think,
because you can always add full specializations if needed.
Maybe your approach is to use a very broad definition of "one" as
multiplicative unity. Assuming you'd also use 4x4 matrices for 3D
coordinate transformation, then "one" would be the unit matrix (aka
identity matrix) in this context.
struct TransformMatrix
double value[4][4];
// C++11: constexpr ...
const TransformMatrix unityMatrix{{1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 1.0, 0.0,
0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0}, {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0}};
TransformMatrix one()
return unityMatrix;
Note that the template argument is deduced - therefore "TransformMatrix
one()" is equivalent to "TransformMatrix one

Is there any trait in Boost that allows me to get the value of one for any numeric type?
What I'm looking for is something that would work like the following:
boost::numeric_traits<int>::one; // 1 boost::numeric_traits<long>::one; // 1L boost::numeric_traits<double>::one; // 1.0 boost::numeric_traits<float>::one; // 1.0f
And so on. Does it exist, or something equivalent? I've looked into NumericConversion, but I haven't quite found something similar. What I'm using now is something equivalent to the following:
template<class Number> Number one() { return Number(1); }
Maybe this is safe enough?
We have http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_55_0/libs/math/doc/html/constants.html But it doesn't cover integer constants: I came to the conclusion that any numeric type worth a damn would interoperate with basic integer values anyway, and what's more maybe in a more efficient manner than casting to a T would achieve (for example for many multiprecision types MT, multiplying by an integer is way more efficient than multiplying by an MT). John.
participants (3)
Arne Vogel
Javier Dehesa
John Maddock