Hi, I have an MFC application. There are plenty of dll's written by us. In one dll module, we use boost. However, on start up of application, it throws several assertions about loading dll. I know assertions are available only for debug mode, but we want to get rid of every small problem in order to provide a stable release. I made web search and I found this thread: http://lists.boost.org/threads-devel/2009/06/0476.php This belongs to 2009 and Boost 1.39. We use Boost 1.48 and Visual Studio 2008 SP1. Thread says that this happens when MFC application statically linked to boost. Probably, nothing changed up to 1.48 because I found that line and commented it out(extern BOOL (WINAPI * const _pRawDllMain)(HANDLE, DWORD, LPVOID)=&dll_callback;). Is there a macro defined in boost to differentiate static and dynamic builds? If there is a macro, we are planning to wrap macro around that line. Or is there any better solution for this? Thanks in advance...
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