Spherical Bessel function (nu, x as real) implementation

Dear developpers, 1) Does you use this reference to compute Spherical Bessel Functions for real argument? Accurate recursive generation of spherical Bessel and Neumann functions for a large range of indices E. Gillman http://scitation.aip.org/content/contributor/AU0510272^1 and H. R. Fiebig http://scitation.aip.org/search?value1=H.+R.+Fiebig&option1=author&option912=resultCategory&value912=ResearchPublicationContentComput. Phys. 2, 62(1988); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.168296 2) is there a way to speed up the computation of j_nu(x) if one wants 10 digits accuracy for instance? Best regards J.E

1) Does you use this reference to compute Spherical Bessel Functions for real argument?
Accurate recursive generation of spherical Bessel and Neumann functions for a large range of indices E. Gillman http://scitation.aip.org/content/contributor/AU0510272^1 and H. R. Fiebig http://scitation.aip.org/search?value1=H.+R.+Fiebig&option1=author&option912=resultCategory&value912=ResearchPublicationContentComput. Phys. 2, 62(1988); http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.168296
They're implemented in terms of the regular (non-spherical) functions - please see the documentation for full details.
2) is there a way to speed up the computation of j_nu(x) if one wants 10 digits accuracy for instance?
Yes, by way of an experiment suggest you define: BOOST_MATH_PROMOTE_DOUBLE_POLICY=false BOOST_MATH_DIGITS10_POLICY=10 at the start of the compilation unit (or on the command line). The second one will make only a small difference to speed, the first can make as much as a 2x difference on Linux x64. HTH, John.
participants (2)
John Maddock