bjam build failed (winxp, mingw)

Hi, today I downloaded boost 1.31.0 and precompiled bjam. then I invoked bjam: cd C:\_projects\_coding\_sdk\boost_1_31_0 bjam -s"TOOLS=mingw" -s"MINGW_ROOT_DIRECTORY=C:\Program Files\Dev-Cpp" --prefix=C:\_projects\_coding\@mingw --with-python-root="C:\Program Files\Python23" --with-pydebug install and this was the output: ...patience... ...found 9330 targets... ...updating 3796 targets... MkDir1 bin spawn: No such file or directory I am new to jam/bjam. Can anyone help me with this problem? Thanks for your help, L. wrote:
today I downloaded boost 1.31.0 and precompiled bjam. then I invoked bjam:
cd C:\_projects\_coding\_sdk\boost_1_31_0 bjam -s"TOOLS=mingw" -s"MINGW_ROOT_DIRECTORY=C:\Program Files\Dev-Cpp" --prefix=C:\_projects\_coding\@mingw --with-python-root="C:\Program Files\Python23" --with-pydebug install
and this was the output: ...patience... ...found 9330 targets... ...updating 3796 targets... MkDir1 bin spawn: No such file or directory
I am new to jam/bjam. Can anyone help me with this problem? Thanks for your help,
There is a bug in Boost.Build+BJam that prevents it from handling paths with spaces in them for the location of tool executables. This is already fixed in the CVS version but alas that won't help you ;-) If you are willing to rearrange your installation you can get it to work by installing the Dev-Cpp tools to someplace like "C:\Dev-Cpp" HTH. -- -- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything -- Redshift Software, Inc. - -- rrivera/ - grafik/ - 102708583/icq
participants (2)
Rene Rivera