Hi list.
I got a problem of matrix initialization. Please
see the following code:
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>

Minkoo Seo wrote:
Hi list.
I got a problem of matrix initialization. Please see the following code:
#include <iostream> #include <iterator> #include
#include using namespace std; using namespace boost::numeric::ublas;
int main () { matrix<double> m(3, 3); for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; i++) m(i, i) = -i;
cout << m << endl;
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
In this code, I'm trying to initialize the diagonal with -1, -2, -3. But, the result is obviously different from what I expected:
This must be due to type conversion from unsigned from double that occurs at 'm(i, i) = -i'. IMHO, the code must works as follows
i // unsigned -i // (-1) * i = int * unsigned = int m(i, i) = -i // lhs is double, so int on rhs should be converted // into double.
But the result implies that I'm wrong. Anybody knows what I'm missing here?
You are missing that C++ promotion rules are very weird. int * unsigned = unsigned.
How would you correct the above code?
Don't use unsigned, and especially, don't mix them with signed types. Cheers, Ian
participants (2)
Ian McCulloch
Minkoo Seo