boost serialisation 1.56, why does library version change, when no change in library ?

At boost 1.53 the library version was 10, however at boost 1.56 it has jumped to 11. I have not seen any documentation/release notes about boost serialisation changes. What has changed in boost serialisation to merit this change ? The documentation in $BOOST_ROOT/libs/serialization/basic_archive.cpp describes the changes to boost library version, however it does *not* describe why it jumped from 10 -> 11. Any help appreciated. Ta, Avi

I bump this when I anticipate making any kind of change. Sometimes I don't get the changes in. In the past I made changes in the library and forgot to bump the version number which led to big problems. So I'm playing it safe. Robert Ramey -- View this message in context: Sent from the Boost - Users mailing list archive at
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avib369 .
Robert Ramey