[msm] & typeerasure / any

HI Boost-users/christophe,
I'm trying to make use of type erasure for fsm based on suggestion from an
earlier mail thread
but hitting compilation errors. Can you pls help?
while the any works as expected for push back e.g for vector (bottom of
email) it doesnt work for MSM..
*Doesn't Work for MSM:*
BOOST_TYPE_ERASURE_MEMBER((has_process_event), process_event, 1)
typedef any

please ignore, sorted out.
I had to define explicit concepts, rather than the
On Sun, Sep 28, 2014 at 12:48 AM, Raj Sambasivan
HI Boost-users/christophe, I'm trying to make use of type erasure for fsm based on suggestion from an earlier mail thread http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/msm-access-to-root-fsm-td4649632.html but hitting compilation errors. Can you pls help?
while the any works as expected for push back e.g for vector (bottom of email) it doesnt work for MSM..
*Doesn't Work for MSM:*
BOOST_TYPE_ERASURE_MEMBER((has_process_event), process_event, 1)
typedef any
, _self&> any_fsm; struct AnyFSM
AnyFSM(any_fsm afsm_) : _afsm(afsm_) {}
void process(Event1& e) { _afsm.process_event(e); }
any_fsm _afsm;
}; TestFSM test; test.start(); AnyFSM(test); test.process(Event1());
*test.cpp:47:43: **error: **'Event1' does not refer to a value*
typedef any
, _self&> any_fsm; *Works for vector:*
BOOST_TYPE_ERASURE_MEMBER((has_push_back), push_back, 1)
typedef any
, _self&> any_container; void append_many(any_container container) {
for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
struct AnyContainer
AnyContainer(any_container cont_) : _cont(cont_) {}
void append() {append_many(_cont); }
any_container _cont;
AnyContainer m(v);
for(auto i : v)
std::cout << i << std::endl;
participants (1)
Raj Sambasivan