--On Saturday, August 29, 2020 11:27 AM +0300 Zhivko Vasilev via
And IMAP complexity by itself is a "Beast" compared with SMTP.
Not from boost libraries, but have you look at these libraries if you need IMAP support. https://github.com/dinhviethoa/libetpan https://github.com/MailCore/mailcore2
As far as I know, most of the "modern" email apps which haven't used proprietary code are based on these libraries.
Thanks. I'd seen those and also this one: https://www.vmime.org/ I'm coming from using Mulberry and Thunderbird, which have their own IMAP implementation, but neither of those look easy to extract as standalone libraries. In addition to the complexity of IMAP, there's the need for authentication and encryption support, so there's a stack of additional libraries like GnuTLS, cyrus-sasl, and openssl needed. Some of these are hard to build on Windows. Fortunately the new Windows Linux Subsystem allows one to run Linux-based GUI programs in a VM and display on the Windows desktop. So I may go that route.
participants (1)
Kenneth Porter