I'm looking for some "lazy" version of boost::mpl::if_. I'm not very much
into MPL, so I
don't really know either if such a function exists in boost or whether it
can be easily
Platform: VC++7.1
Thx in advance,
This example shows you how it may cause problems that both "branches" of if_
get evaluated:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>

Look in the mpl documentation under eval_if Robert Ramey Agoston Bejo wrote:
Hi! I'm looking for some "lazy" version of boost::mpl::if_. I'm not very much into MPL, so I
don't really know either if such a function exists in boost or whether it can be easily
constructed. Platform: VC++7.1
Thx in advance, Agoston
This example shows you how it may cause problems that both "branches" of if_ get evaluated:
//------------------------------------------------------------ #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include
#include using namespace std; using namespace boost; using namespace mpl;
template<typename T> struct t_type { typedef typename if_< is_arithmetic<T>, T, typename T::value_type>::type // ERROR! type; };
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { cout << typeid(t_type<int>::type).name() << endl; // 'int' cout << typeid(t_type
::type).name() << endl; // 'double' return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------ Error message:
error C2825: 'T::value_type': cannot form a qualified name see reference to class template instantiation 't_type<T>' being compiled with [ T=int ]

It seems to me that eval_if doesn't use lazy evaluation either. The error
message quite obviously refers to an attempt of the compiler to evaluate the
expression on the 'false' branch, whereas the condition (is_arithmetic<int>)
is true to my best knowledge.
#include <iostream>
Look in the mpl documentation under eval_if
Robert Ramey
Agoston Bejo wrote:
Hi! I'm looking for some "lazy" version of boost::mpl::if_. I'm not very much into MPL, so I
don't really know either if such a function exists in boost or whether it can be easily
constructed. Platform: VC++7.1
Thx in advance, Agoston
This example shows you how it may cause problems that both "branches" of if_ get evaluated:
//------------------------------------------------------------ #include <iostream> #include <vector> #include
#include using namespace std; using namespace boost; using namespace mpl;
template<typename T> struct t_type { typedef typename if_< is_arithmetic<T>, T, typename T::value_type>::type // ERROR! type; };
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { cout << typeid(t_type<int>::type).name() << endl; // 'int' cout << typeid(t_type
::type).name() << endl; // 'double' return 0; } //------------------------------------------------------------ Error message:
error C2825: 'T::value_type': cannot form a qualified name see reference to class template instantiation 't_type<T>' being compiled with [ T=int ]

Agoston Bejo wrote:
It seems to me that eval_if doesn't use lazy evaluation either. The error message quite obviously refers to an attempt of the compiler to evaluate the expression on the 'false' branch, whereas the condition (is_arithmetic<int>) is true to my best knowledge.
eval_if uses lazy evaluation to the extent possible: it accepts two
nullary metafunctions and invokes one of them depending on how the
condition evaluates. Your code computes T::value_type immediately,
before either metafunction can be invoked.
No library can change the properties of the C++ language.
You only need to make a metafunction that gets the value_type and use
that with eval_if:
template <class T>
struct get_value_type
{ typedef typename T::value_type type; };
template <class T>
struct value_type
: eval_if

"Agoston Bejo"
template<typename T> struct value_type { typedef typename eval_if< is_arithmetic<T>, identity<T>, identity<typename T::value_type> >::type
type; };
In your example T::value_type is unconditionally evaluated, and eval_if will
not help you in this particular case. You have to ensure that T::value_type
is never mentioned in a template that can be possibly instantiated with a
type that doesn't have this typedef (eval_if does this for ::type). You can
either switch to using ::type instead of ::value_type, and then eval_if will
probably help you, or just try something more basic, for example:
participants (4)
Agoston Bejo
Arkadiy Vertleyb
David Abrahams
Robert Ramey