building boost on vc7.1 with stlport

i first compiled (succesfully) stlport 4.6.2.
then i ran "bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7.1-stlport" install" and it failed compiling
the regex library.
then i manually went to the libs\regex\build folder and ran "nmake /f
vc7.1-stlport clean install" and it compiled the first thing ok and the 2nd
time around threw a LOT of linker errors (well, only ~49, but they're
stl-style-long :D). I set correctly the STLPORT_VERSION and the STLPORT_PATH
env vars, the tools were loaded ok, the INCLUDE env var had stlport's
include dir first... AND IT COMPILED OK the first one... here's a screenshot
of the last page of errors. please help me...
winstances.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol
) public: __thiscall _STL::basic_string
::compare(class boost::reg_expression
,class _STL::allocator > const &)const " (?compare@?$reg_expression@_ WV?$regex_traits@_W@boost@@V?$allocator@_W@_STL@@@boost@@QBIHABV12@@Z) winstances.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "__declspec(dllimport ) public: class _STL::basic_string ,clas s _STL::allocator > & __thiscall _STL::basic_string ,class _STL::allocator >::assign(unsigned int,wcha r_t)" (__imp_?assign@?$basic_string@_WV?$char_traits@_W@_STL@@V?$allocator@_W@2@ @_STL@@QAEAAV12@I_W@Z) referenced in function "private: struct boost::re_detail: :re_syntax_base * __fastcall boost::reg_expression ,class _STL::allocator >::compile_set_aux(class boost::re_ detail::jstack ,class _STL::allocator >,class _STL::allocator > &,class boost ::re_detail::jstack >,class _STL::allocator > &,class boost::re_detail::jstack > &,class boost::re_detail::jstack ,class _STL::allocator >,class _STL::allocator > &,b ool,struct boost::re_detail::_narrow_type const &)" (?compile_set_aux@?$reg_expr ession@_WV?$regex_traits@_W@boost@@V?$allocator@_W@_STL@@@boost@@AAIPAUre_sy ntax _base@re_detail@2@AAV?$jstack@V?$basic_string@_WV?$char_traits@_W@_STL@@V?$a lloc ator@_W@2@@_STL@@V?$allocator@_W@2@@42@0AAV?$jstack@KV?$allocator@_W@_STL@@@ 42@0 _NABU_narrow_type@42@@Z) vc71-stlport/boost_regex-vc71-mt-p-1_31.dll : fatal error LNK1120: 49 unresolved externals NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'link' : return code '0x460' Stop.
---------------------------------- Peace and love, Tweety - YahooID: tweety_04_01

i first compiled (succesfully) stlport 4.6.2. then i ran "bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7.1-stlport" install" and it failed compiling the regex library. then i manually went to the libs\regex\build folder and ran "nmake /f vc7.1-stlport clean install" and it compiled the first thing ok and the 2nd time around threw a LOT of linker errors (well, only ~49, but they're stl-style-long :D). I set correctly the STLPORT_VERSION and the STLPORT_PATH env vars, the tools were loaded ok, the INCLUDE env var had stlport's include dir first... AND IT COMPILED OK the first one... here's a screenshot of the last page of errors. please help me...
I think this is a problem with mis-matched /Zc:wchar_t options - Boost is
normally built with that flag on, while STLPort is normally built with it
off. Depending on how you intend to build your own code, either rebuild
STLPort with /Zc:wchar_t or use:
bjam -sTOOLS=vc7.1-stlport -sBUILD="

Ok, I used bjam this time, and after I cleaned the binaries, I ran:
bjam -sTOOLS="vc7.1-stlport" -sBUILD="
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John Maddock Sent: July 16, 2004 6:51 AM To: Subject: Re: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport
i first compiled (succesfully) stlport 4.6.2. then i ran "bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7.1-stlport" install" and it failed compiling the regex library. then i manually went to the libs\regex\build folder and ran "nmake /f vc7.1-stlport clean install" and it compiled the first thing ok and the 2nd time around threw a LOT of linker errors (well, only ~49, but they're stl-style-long :D). I set correctly the STLPORT_VERSION and the STLPORT_PATH env vars, the tools were loaded ok, the INCLUDE env var had stlport's include dir first... AND IT COMPILED OK the first one... here's a screenshot of the last page of errors. please help me...
I think this is a problem with mis-matched /Zc:wchar_t options - Boost is normally built with that flag on, while STLPort is normally built with it off. Depending on how you intend to build your own code, either rebuild STLPort with /Zc:wchar_t or use:
bjam -sTOOLS=vc7.1-stlport -sBUILD="
off" In fact this is the default setting, and having double checked it works for me without having to mess with the BUILD variable, have you changed something else somewhere? I can reproduce the makefile problem though, I'll get that fixed.
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list

Doh I meant only linker errors... I was probably thinking at another thing... ---------------------------------- Peace and love, Tweety - YahooID: tweety_04_01
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of tweety Sent: July 16, 2004 3:24 PM To: Subject: RE: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport
Ok, I used bjam this time, and after I cleaned the binaries, I ran:
bjam -sTOOLS="vc7.1-stlport" -sBUILD="
off" All ok until I got to the dreaded regex part where I got both compiler AND link errors:
...failed vc-Link bin\boost\libs\regex\build\boost_regex.dll\vc7.1-stlport\debug \boost_regex-vc71-mt-gdp-1_31.dll bin\boost\libs\regex\build\boost_regex.dll\vc7 .1-stlport\debug\boost_regex-vc71-mt-gdp-1_31.lib...
If you get that makefile fixed, please send it to me. For now all my interest in boost is the regex class and it doesn't even compile...
---------------------------------- Peace and love, Tweety - YahooID: tweety_04_01
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John Maddock Sent: July 16, 2004 6:51 AM To: Subject: Re: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport
i first compiled (succesfully) stlport 4.6.2. then i ran "bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7.1-stlport" install" and it failed compiling the regex library. then i manually went to the libs\regex\build folder and ran "nmake /f vc7.1-stlport clean install" and it compiled the first thing ok and the 2nd time around threw a LOT of linker errors (well, only ~49, but they're stl-style-long :D). I set correctly the STLPORT_VERSION and the STLPORT_PATH env vars, the tools were loaded ok, the INCLUDE env var had stlport's include dir first... AND IT COMPILED OK the first one... here's a screenshot of the last page of errors. please help me...
I think this is a problem with mis-matched /Zc:wchar_t options - Boost is normally built with that flag on, while STLPort is normally built with it off. Depending on how you intend to build your own code, either rebuild STLPort with /Zc:wchar_t or use:
bjam -sTOOLS=vc7.1-stlport -sBUILD="
off" In fact this is the default setting, and having double checked it works for me without having to mess with the BUILD variable, have you changed something else somewhere? I can reproduce the makefile problem though, I'll get that fixed.
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list

I finally compiled the whole thing (by enabling wchar_t builtin support...)
and I ran into the same problem I had before: when I try to USE the regex
class in my code I get the following 2 linker errors:
html to mhtml.obj : error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public:
__thiscall boost::reg_expression
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John Maddock Sent: July 16, 2004 6:51 AM To: Subject: Re: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport
i first compiled (succesfully) stlport 4.6.2. then i ran "bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7.1-stlport" install" and it failed compiling the regex library. then i manually went to the libs\regex\build folder and ran "nmake /f vc7.1-stlport clean install" and it compiled the first thing ok and the 2nd time around threw a LOT of linker errors (well, only ~49, but they're stl-style-long :D). I set correctly the STLPORT_VERSION and the STLPORT_PATH env vars, the tools were loaded ok, the INCLUDE env var had stlport's include dir first... AND IT COMPILED OK the first one... here's a screenshot of the last page of errors. please help me...
I think this is a problem with mis-matched /Zc:wchar_t options - Boost is normally built with that flag on, while STLPort is normally built with it off. Depending on how you intend to build your own code, either rebuild STLPort with /Zc:wchar_t or use:
bjam -sTOOLS=vc7.1-stlport -sBUILD="
off" In fact this is the default setting, and having double checked it works for me without having to mess with the BUILD variable, have you changed something else somewhere? I can reproduce the makefile problem though, I'll get that fixed.
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list

After poking atound in the regex regression test I found it doesn't link (build) cause it can't find "libboost_regex-vc71-s-1_31.lib". And it's right, I don't have that file... Does the main build process 'forget' to build part of the library? ---------------------------------- Peace and love, Tweety - YahooID: tweety_04_01
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John Maddock Sent: July 16, 2004 6:51 AM To: Subject: Re: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport
i first compiled (succesfully) stlport 4.6.2. then i ran "bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7.1-stlport" install" and it failed compiling the regex library. then i manually went to the libs\regex\build folder and ran "nmake /f vc7.1-stlport clean install" and it compiled the first thing ok and the 2nd time around threw a LOT of linker errors (well, only ~49, but they're stl-style-long :D). I set correctly the STLPORT_VERSION and the STLPORT_PATH env vars, the tools were loaded ok, the INCLUDE env var had stlport's include dir first... AND IT COMPILED OK the first one... here's a screenshot of the last page of errors. please help me...
I think this is a problem with mis-matched /Zc:wchar_t options - Boost is normally built with that flag on, while STLPort is normally built with it off. Depending on how you intend to build your own code, either rebuild STLPort with /Zc:wchar_t or use:
bjam -sTOOLS=vc7.1-stlport -sBUILD="
off" In fact this is the default setting, and having double checked it works for me without having to mess with the BUILD variable, have you changed something else somewhere? I can reproduce the makefile problem though, I'll get that fixed.
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list

*bump* Any suggestions? ---------------------------------- Peace and love, Tweety - YahooID: tweety_04_01
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of tweety Sent: July 16, 2004 5:40 PM To: Subject: RE: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport
After poking atound in the regex regression test I found it doesn't link (build) cause it can't find "libboost_regex-vc71-s-1_31.lib". And it's right, I don't have that file... Does the main build process 'forget' to build part of the library?
---------------------------------- Peace and love, Tweety - YahooID: tweety_04_01
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John Maddock Sent: July 16, 2004 6:51 AM To: Subject: Re: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport
i first compiled (succesfully) stlport 4.6.2. then i ran "bjam "-sTOOLS=vc7.1-stlport" install" and it failed compiling the regex library. then i manually went to the libs\regex\build folder and ran "nmake /f vc7.1-stlport clean install" and it compiled the first thing ok and the 2nd time around threw a LOT of linker errors (well, only ~49, but they're stl-style-long :D). I set correctly the STLPORT_VERSION and the STLPORT_PATH env vars, the tools were loaded ok, the INCLUDE env var had stlport's include dir first... AND IT COMPILED OK the first one... here's a screenshot of the last page of errors. please help me...
I think this is a problem with mis-matched /Zc:wchar_t options - Boost is normally built with that flag on, while STLPort is normally built with it off. Depending on how you intend to build your own code, either rebuild STLPort with /Zc:wchar_t or use:
bjam -sTOOLS=vc7.1-stlport -sBUILD="
off" In fact this is the default setting, and having double checked it works for me without having to mess with the BUILD variable, have you changed something else somewhere? I can reproduce the makefile problem though, I'll get that fixed.
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list

Any suggestions?
Yes, just delete all occurrences of /Zc:wchar_t from the makefile and build from that. Oh, and if you have the *exact* sequence of events you used to try and build with bjam I would appreciate it, because I can't as yet reproduce that problem here. Thanks, John

1. I built stlport
2. I set STLPORT_PATH and STLPORT_VERSION to their respective paths
3. I replaced every occurrence on /Zc:wchar_t with nothing (practically
deleting them) -- you should write this somewhere on your page...
4. I went to libs/regex/build
5. I ran nmake /f vc71-stlport.mak all (it went ok this time, no errors)
6. I ran nmake /f vc71-stlport.mak install (and it all went ok).
Now I make a simple win32 app and I include
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John Maddock Sent: July 18, 2004 6:05 AM To: Subject: Re: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport
Any suggestions?
Yes, just delete all occurrences of /Zc:wchar_t from the makefile and build from that.
Oh, and if you have the *exact* sequence of events you used to try and build with bjam I would appreciate it, because I can't as yet reproduce that problem here.
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list

1. I built stlport 2. I set STLPORT_PATH and STLPORT_VERSION to their respective paths 3. I replaced every occurrence on /Zc:wchar_t with nothing (practically deleting them) -- you should write this somewhere on your page... 4. I went to libs/regex/build 5. I ran nmake /f vc71-stlport.mak all (it went ok this time, no errors) 6. I ran nmake /f vc71-stlport.mak install (and it all went ok).
Now I make a simple win32 app and I include
. But when I actually USE the regex class I get this linker error: html to mhtml fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libboost_regex-vc71-s-1_31.lib'
And it is not there... What am I missing? Do I need to make a copy or something? I get that error regardless of my program's wchar_t setting (although I'll leave it off for now) or the runtime library (I'll leave that /MT).
Now this is a step forward (albeit small). Now I just need to get my program compiling. Can you help?
Yes: the library 'libboost_regex-vc71-s-1_31.lib' is the following variant: Release runtime library. Single threaded. Static runtime library. *Not* an STLPort build. So: 1) your app is apparently not being built with STLPort in it's include path, and given the subject line I assume you want it to be. 2) STLPort does not support the single threaded runtime out the box, so you will have to switch to one of the multithreaded runtimes. 3) If you use a debug runtime, then I suspect you will also have to define __STL_DEBUG when building as that's the STLPort setting that Boost uses by default. John.

Hmm... In all the tests I ran I think I forgot to remove that library (I was
forcefully adding it for some reason).
Now I'm exactly where I was at the beginning: when I compile my program I
get these 2 linker errors:
html to mhtml error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John Maddock Sent: July 21, 2004 6:33 AM To: Subject: Re: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport
1. I built stlport 2. I set STLPORT_PATH and STLPORT_VERSION to their respective paths 3. I replaced every occurrence on /Zc:wchar_t with nothing (practically deleting them) -- you should write this somewhere on your page... 4. I went to libs/regex/build 5. I ran nmake /f vc71-stlport.mak all (it went ok this time, no errors) 6. I ran nmake /f vc71-stlport.mak install (and it all went ok).
Now I make a simple win32 app and I include
. But when I actually USE the regex class I get this linker error: html to mhtml fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file 'libboost_regex-vc71-s-1_31.lib'
And it is not there... What am I missing? Do I need to make a copy or something? I get that error regardless of my program's wchar_t setting (although I'll leave it off for now) or the runtime library (I'll leave that /MT).
Now this is a step forward (albeit small). Now I just need to get my program compiling. Can you help?
Yes: the library 'libboost_regex-vc71-s-1_31.lib' is the following variant:
Release runtime library. Single threaded. Static runtime library. *Not* an STLPort build.
1) your app is apparently not being built with STLPort in it's include path, and given the subject line I assume you want it to be. 2) STLPort does not support the single threaded runtime out the box, so you will have to switch to one of the multithreaded runtimes. 3) If you use a debug runtime, then I suspect you will also have to define __STL_DEBUG when building as that's the STLPort setting that Boost uses by default.
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list

Hmm... In all the tests I ran I think I forgot to remove that library (I was forcefully adding it for some reason). Now I'm exactly where I was at the beginning: when I compile my program I get these 2 linker errors:
Then I'm stuck 'cos it works for me, I'm attaching a small project that you should be able to build OK, if the libraries were correctly built. Note: In debug mode you must select one of the multithreaded debug runtimes and define __STL_DEBUG, but you'll get a compile time error if you don't do that anyway. You can also define BOOST_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC to find out which lib file is being linked against. But my guess is that the lib's you built were not built against STLPort (incorrect STLPORT_PATH). John. ***************************************************************************** ** ** ** WARNING: This email contains an attachment of a very suspicious type. ** ** You are urged NOT to open this attachment unless you are absolutely ** ** sure it is legitmate. Opening this attachment may cause irreparable ** ** damage to your computer and your files. If you have any questions ** ** about the validity of this message, PLEASE SEEK HELP BEFORE OPENING IT. ** ** ** *****************************************************************************

I get the following errors and warnings:
warning C4267: 'initializing' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'unsigned int',
possible loss of data
stlport_test error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall
boost::reg_expression (class boost::regex_traits<char> const &,unsigned int)"
stlport_test error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "protected: static
bool __fastcall boost::reg_expression Just to test that I compiled against stlport I took it out of the include
path and I got this:
stlport_test fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file
So it is built against stlport. About boost not being built against stlport
because of a wrong STLPORT_PATH variable, that isn't possible as it is
checked at build-time by bjam.
The only other thing I can mention is that I also applied the patch...
Seeing as noone can fix this, can someone tell me of another regex package
besides microsoft's atl? I'm looking for something more perl-like...
Peace and love,
Tweety -
YahooID: tweety_04_01 -----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of John Maddock
Sent: July 23, 2004 7:51 AM
Subject: Re: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport Hmm... In all the tests I ran I think I forgot to remove
that library (I
forcefully adding it for some reason).
Now I'm exactly where I was at the beginning: when I
compile my program I
get these 2 linker errors: Then I'm stuck 'cos it works for me, I'm attaching a small
project that you
should be able to build OK, if the libraries were correctly built. Note: In debug mode you must select one of the multithreaded
debug runtimes
and define __STL_DEBUG, but you'll get a compile time error
if you don't do
that anyway.
You can also define BOOST_LIB_DIAGNOSTIC to find out which
lib file is being
linked against. But my guess is that the lib's you built
were not built
against STLPort (incorrect STLPORT_PATH). John. **************************************************************
** WARNING: This email contains an attachment of a very
suspicious type. **
** You are urged NOT to open this attachment unless you are
absolutely **
** sure it is legitmate. Opening this attachment may cause
irreparable **
** damage to your computer and your files. If you have any
questions **
** about the validity of this message, PLEASE SEEK HELP

So it is built against stlport. About boost not being built against stlport because of a wrong STLPORT_PATH variable, that isn't possible as it is checked at build-time by bjam.
But I thought you used the makefile and not bjam? The makefile doesn't currently validate STLPORT_PATH.
The only other thing I can mention is that I also applied the patch...
Seeing as noone can fix this, can someone tell me of another regex package besides microsoft's atl? I'm looking for something more perl-like...
All I can say is "it works for me". Did you try the sample project I sent you? BTW I should just add that VC7.1+STLPort is one of my regular regression tests on my machine here, and of course, you can always just add the source directly to your project in the IDE and define BOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB to suppress the auto-link code. John.

-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John Maddock Sent: July 24, 2004 6:04 AM To: boost-users Subject: Re: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport
So it is built against stlport. About boost not being built against stlport because of a wrong STLPORT_PATH variable, that isn't possible as it is checked at build-time by bjam.
But I thought you used the makefile and not bjam? The makefile doesn't currently validate STLPORT_PATH.
I tried both... I even downloaded the cvs build and tried with that (although it didn't compile the datetime lib at all and the regex dlls, everything else worked ok and I still got those 2 linker errors)
The only other thing I can mention is that I also applied the patch...
Seeing as noone can fix this, can someone tell me of another regex package besides microsoft's atl? I'm looking for something more perl-like...
All I can say is "it works for me". Did you try the sample project I sent you?
Yes, and I attached the 2 linker errors in my last message...
BTW I should just add that VC7.1+STLPort is one of my regular regression tests on my machine here, and of course, you can always just add the source directly to your project in the IDE and define BOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB to suppress the auto-link code.
Yes, I think I'll try that... ---------------------------------- Peace and love, Tweety - YahooID: tweety_04_01
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list

I can't belive it! I attached the cpp files to my project and added the #define macro you told me to add and I still got a ton of linker errors (more than before, but then again I use more stuff now)... All of them are in the reg_expression class... It's very weird... ---------------------------------- Peace and love, Tweety - YahooID: tweety_04_01
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of tweety Sent: July 24, 2004 6:53 PM To: Subject: RE: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John Maddock Sent: July 24, 2004 6:04 AM To: boost-users Subject: Re: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport
So it is built against stlport. About boost not being built against stlport because of a wrong STLPORT_PATH variable, that isn't possible as it is checked at build-time by bjam.
But I thought you used the makefile and not bjam? The makefile doesn't currently validate STLPORT_PATH.
I tried both... I even downloaded the cvs build and tried with that (although it didn't compile the datetime lib at all and the regex dlls, everything else worked ok and I still got those 2 linker errors)
The only other thing I can mention is that I also applied the patch...
Seeing as noone can fix this, can someone tell me of another regex package besides microsoft's atl? I'm looking for something more
All I can say is "it works for me". Did you try the sample project I sent you?
Yes, and I attached the 2 linker errors in my last message...
BTW I should just add that VC7.1+STLPort is one of my regular regression tests on my machine here, and of course, you can always just add the source directly to your project in the IDE and define BOOST_REGEX_NO_LIB to suppress the auto-link code.
Yes, I think I'll try that...
---------------------------------- Peace and love, Tweety - YahooID: tweety_04_01
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list

Right... I updated the cvs build again, build the regex library with the makefile and renamed the resulting libs (they were called _1.32 but the auto link header expected _1.31) and it seems to work now... All I can say is thank god and weird... ---------------------------------- Peace and love, Tweety - YahooID: tweety_04_01
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of tweety Sent: July 25, 2004 6:19 PM To: Subject: RE: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport
I can't belive it! I attached the cpp files to my project and added the #define macro you told me to add and I still got a ton of linker errors (more than before, but then again I use more stuff now)... All of them are in the reg_expression class... It's very weird...
---------------------------------- Peace and love, Tweety - YahooID: tweety_04_01
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of tweety Sent: July 24, 2004 6:53 PM To: Subject: RE: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John Maddock Sent: July 24, 2004 6:04 AM To: boost-users Subject: Re: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport
So it is built against stlport. About boost not being built against stlport because of a wrong STLPORT_PATH variable, that isn't possible as it is checked at build-time by bjam.
But I thought you used the makefile and not bjam? The makefile doesn't currently validate STLPORT_PATH.
I tried both... I even downloaded the cvs build and tried with that (although it didn't compile the datetime lib at all and the regex dlls, everything else worked ok and I still got those 2 linker errors)
The only other thing I can mention is that I also applied the patch...
Seeing as noone can fix this, can someone tell me of another regex package besides microsoft's atl? I'm looking for something more
All I can say is "it works for me". Did you try the sample project I sent you?
Yes, and I attached the 2 linker errors in my last message...
BTW I should just add that VC7.1+STLPort is one of my regular regression tests on my machine here, and of course, you can always just add the source directly to your project in the IDE and define
suppress the auto-link code.
Yes, I think I'll try that...
---------------------------------- Peace and love, Tweety - YahooID: tweety_04_01
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list
_______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list

I can't belive it! I attached the cpp files to my project and added the #define macro you told me to add and I still got a ton of linker errors (more than before, but then again I use more stuff now)... All of them are in the reg_expression class... It's very weird...
Can you please put together a small test project (Visual Studio 2003 solution with regex source directly added) that demonstrates the issue, as I said before I do this all the time so you honestly shouldn't be having all these problems... John.

Right... Well I tried putting it together but it worked ok this time... Well, nevermind then, thanks for your help, work ok now... ---------------------------------- Peace and love, Tweety - YahooID: tweety_04_01
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of John Maddock Sent: July 26, 2004 6:02 AM To: Subject: Re: [Boost-users] building boost on vc7.1 with stlport
I can't belive it! I attached the cpp files to my project and added the #define macro you told me to add and I still got a ton of linker errors (more than before, but then again I use more stuff now)... All of them are in the reg_expression class... It's very weird...
Can you please put together a small test project (Visual Studio 2003 solution with regex source directly added) that demonstrates the issue, as I said before I do this all the time so you honestly shouldn't be having all these problems...
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participants (2)
John Maddock