TR: pb with use Random on VC++6 and Intel C++ 8

I install and test boost on my computer since two weeks. And I have much
Actually I test random with the code indicated on
The code is
#include <iostream>

-----Message d'origine----- Hello,
I install and test boost on my computer since two weeks. And I have much problems. More simple, there is not. And, the error messages on intel c++ 8 are : Compiling... C:\BOOST_1_31_0\boost/integer_traits.hpp(129): error: class "boost::integer_traits
" has already been defined class integer_traits<unsigned short> ^ compilation aborted for D:\X Mes Documents X\Mes Programmes\VisualC++ 6\random boost 1\random-1.cpp (code 2) Error executing cl.exe. random boost 1.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
Would anybody have already seen it? errors on template class who have multiples definitions on the header "integer_traits.hpp". The compiler don't accept surcharge of template class. Perhaps there is an option for the compiler. What do you think about this ?
After this problem, I test with msvc++6 sp5 + service pack processor 5 and... Compiling... random-1.cpp C:\BOOST_1_31_0\boost/random/uniform_01.hpp(34) : fatal error C1001: INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR (compiler file 'msc1.cpp', line 1794) Please choose the Technical Support command on the Visual C++ Help menu, or open the Technical Support help file for more information Error executing cl.exe.
random boost 1.exe - 1 error(s), 1 warning(s) it gives me an error fatal with no information on Technical Support of VC6. I ask me if the problem is linked at the service pack 5 for msvc and service pack 5 for processor ( ),I have install.
I have uninstalled the processor pack and installed the sp6 for vc6. The problems are the same: exactly the same errors for the two compilers. Somebody are using random lib on msvc6++ or intel c++ ? It would seem that this lib, random, does not work with msvc6++ or intel c++. Have you information about this ? Heinquoi
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