serialization deserialization through the pointer

hi all, i am facing some problem in my code. Please help me to tackle it. BOOST Version : 1.36.0 compliler : gnu-gcc-/4.1.1-binutils-2.16.1/x86_64-pc-linux2.4/bin/gcc example of my prog: header: my.h ---- class my { int var1; int var2; structure object; // structure is the some other structure which is defined(i have defied the serialization function for this also... /*serialization function*/ friend class boost::serialization::access; template<class Archive> void serialize(Archive & ar, const unsigned int file_version) { ar & var1; ar & var2; ar & object; } }; mymain.cpp ---------- #include "boost/archive/text_iarchive.hpp" #include "boost/archive/text_oarchive.hpp" #include "boost/serialization/access.hpp" #include "boost/serialization/serialization.hpp" #include "boost/serialization/collection_traits.hpp" #include "boost/serialization/utility.hpp" #include "my.h" class mymain { protected: my * ptr; public: void mytake_arch(); void myretrive_arch(); }; void mymain::mytake_arch() { std::ofstream ofs("filename"); { boost::archive::text_oarchive oa(ofs); oa << ptr; } } void mymain::myretrive_arch() { mymain *ptr = NULL; //// Confused in this, This is correct or wrong, if wront what else i can use std::ifstream ifs("filename"); boost::archive::text_iarchive ia(ifs); ia >> ptr; } int main() { mymain obj; obj.mytake_arch(); obj.myretrive_arch(); } Problem: ------- I have some confusion in retriving, Whether the way in which i retrieved is correct or wrong. Any other replacement or modification can be done for the retriving part(myretrive_arch() function). Please let me know. because the retrived ptr(pointer retrived) causes segmentation fault whenenver i use it for some other application. Any suggestions will be apprciated. Thanks, Niranjan

add friend class boost::serialization::access as described in the documentation.
Robert Ramey
"niranjan bangera"
participants (2)
niranjan bangera
Robert Ramey