The web site contains a bad link: http://lists.boost.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/boost-announce directs you to http://lists.boost.org/MailArchives/boost-announce for the archives. That gives a 404 Not Found error. I think there was another bad link related to mailing lists, but I can't find it again. By the way, it would be good if the web site had where to send web-site related queries and bugs on the bottom of every page. As far as I could tell, this list is the place to go.

hi list
I am developping a scheduling algorithm using boost When probleme is
that I want to use the adresses of boost nodes. I have writen this code.
then I put the node number 2 in the ready tasks list and the iterator
make the next iteration , I found that the node number 3 is in the ready
any advice will be helpful
void allocate2(Graph &g,vector<MACHINE> &m,fstream &f){
///////////////////////////// declarations
cerr << "in function allocate 2 " << endl;
typedef typename property_map
participants (2)
Adel Essafi
Ross Boylan