filesystem::directory_iterator::operator++() never returns
I'm using the fielsystem library's directory_iterator class to collect information about the files in a directory. I'm using VC7.0, and Boost 1.30.2. My logic looks something like this: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- class DirInfo { public: DirInfo(fs::path aPath) : myPath(aPath){} void scan(); void addFile(fs::path); private: fs::path myPath; } void DirInfo::scan () { fs::directory_iterator itEnd; for (fs::directory_iterator it(myPath); it != itEnd; ++it) { TRACE("File: %s\n", it->string().c_str()); if (!fs::is_directory(*it)) { addFile(*it); } } } DirInfo di(fs::path("C:\\temp\\", fs::native); di.scan(); ---------------------------------------------------------- This successfully goes through all of the files (and subdirectories) in the given directory, but after the last item, the next call to fs::directory_iterator::operator ++() never returns. If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, I would love to hear them!! Thanks! The call stack at the point where execution seems to lock up looks like this: ntdll.dll!NtDelayExecution() + 0xc kernel32.dll!_Sleep@4() + 0xb MyApp.exe.exe!boost::detail::lightweight_mutex::scoped_lock::scoped_lock(boost::detail::lightweight_mutex & m={...}) Line 96 + 0xa C++ MyApp.exe.exe!boost::detail::sp_counted_base::release() Line 132 + 0xf C++ MyApp.exe.exe!boost::detail::shared_count::~shared_count() Line 380 C++ MyApp.exe.exe!boost::shared_ptrboost::filesystem::directory_iterator::dir_itr_imp:: ~shared_ptrboost::filesystem::directory_iterator::dir_itr_imp() + 0x2e C++ MyApp.exe.exe!boost::shared_ptrboost::filesystem::directory_iterator::dir_itr_imp::reset () Line 217 C++ MyApp.exe.exe!boost::filesystem::directory_iterator::m_inc() Line 256 C++
Line 88 + 0x2b C++ MyApp.exe.exe!DirInfo::scan() Line 63 + 0x1a C++ --------------------- John Wismar
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