building boost under mingw: bjam invokes VC7??

Hello, all- I recently attempted to build and install boost 1.31.0 using msys (i.e., mingw). I enter the boost directory and start bjam with: bjam -sTOOL=mingw install ...and then I see bjam invoking vc7 instead of gcc. For example: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\VC7\bin\cl" ... followed by many, many errors, as VC7 is not installed on my system. I don't understand why bjam thinks it should be using VC7. Can anyone offer any advice or a workaround? I'm using the latest version of both msys and mingw under Windows 2000, and mingw is installed *under* msys, if that makes a difference. Regards, Chris Brewer (Company-mandated disclaimer) This message originates from WMS Gaming Inc. It contains information which may be confidential or privileged and is intended only for the individual or entity named above. It is prohibited for anyone else to disclose, copy, distribute or use the contents of this message. All personal messages express views solely of the sender, which are not to be attributed to WMS Gaming Inc., and may not be copied or distributed without this disclaimer. If you received this message in error, please notify us immediately at (847) 785-3000.

Chris Brewer à ecrit: Hello, all-
I recently attempted to build and install boost 1.31.0 using msys (i.e., mingw). I enter the boost directory and start bjam with:
bjam -sTOOL=mingw install
with absence of parameter, bjam compiles with VC7. and if you read, chapter 5 you notice that the parameter TOOL take a S at end. And if you make a mistake, It's as if you do not put parameter.
...and then I see bjam invoking vc7 instead of gcc. For example:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003\VC7\bin\cl" ... followed by many, many errors, as VC7 is not installed on my system.
With no parameter or bad parameter, bjam compiles with VC7
I don't understand why bjam thinks it should be using VC7. Can anyone offer any advice or a workaround?
participants (2)
Brewer, Christopher