BGL in mangaged C++ (.Net )

Has anyone had success running the BGL from with managed C++ code? I have code that compiles fine, but at runtime throws a .Net exception called TypeLoadException. Googleing and documentation I have read are no help. The graph used is a plain vanilla adjacency_list<> and the exception occurs durring the resize operation of the vertex vector. thanks in advance bille

I dimly remember seeing an article - can't find it now - by Richard Grimes(? maybe). The gist of it was that a bug in the compiler/libraries could hit .NET programs that use the C++ STL classes. I think the recipe was - Remove the /Zl option (that was lower case L not numeral 1) from the compiler options and remove the /entry option from the linker options. I can't recall what these options do or why they fixed the (described) problem. I have not tried it with BGL code. I certainly don’t know if they will help you - but good luck. - Richard -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Bill Eidson Sent: 03 August 2004 19:50 To: Subject: [Boost-users] BGL in mangaged C++ (.Net ) Has anyone had success running the BGL from with managed C++ code? I have code that compiles fine, but at runtime throws a .Net exception called TypeLoadException. Googleing and documentation I have read are no help. The graph used is a plain vanilla adjacency_list<> and the exception occurs durring the resize operation of the vertex vector. thanks in advance bille _______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list --- Incoming mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.726 / Virus Database: 481 - Release Date: 22/07/2004 --- Outgoing mail is Virus checked. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.726 / Virus Database: 481 - Release Date: 22/07/2004

Thanks for your answer. I tried the solutions mentioned ( /Zl is edit and
continue debug info ) and /entry without success. I am looking for stuff
from Grimes. I think the local bookstore has a copy of his .Net book maybe
that has some answers. In the mean time building an unmanaged dll and
calling it from the managed code is ok but not good answer.
"Richard Howells"

On Tuesday 03 August 2004 1:49 pm, Bill Eidson wrote:
Has anyone had success running the BGL from with managed C++ code? I have code that compiles fine, but at runtime throws a .Net exception called TypeLoadException. Googleing and documentation I have read are no help. The graph used is a plain vanilla adjacency_list<> and the exception occurs durring the resize operation of the vertex vector.
There are some known bugs within the BGL regarding the use of singular iterators. I doubt they would trigger such a problem, but it is possible. These bugs have been fixed in Boost CVS and will be released in the coming weeks as part of Boost 1.32.0. Doug

More information. The problem exists in the 7.0 version of the .Net C++
compiler. The 7.1 version is ok. Still don't have a workaround for the 7.0
compiler bug but at least that is something...
"Bill Eidson"
Has anyone had success running the BGL from with managed C++ code? I have code that compiles fine, but at runtime throws a .Net exception called TypeLoadException. Googleing and documentation I have read are no help. The graph used is a plain vanilla adjacency_list<> and the exception occurs durring the resize operation of the vertex vector.
thanks in advance
participants (3)
Bill Eidson
Doug Gregor
Richard Howells