[program options] examples where?

In the online documentation tutorial there are multiple times mentioned references to the examples page. But where are these examples exactly located? On the documentation pages I couldn't find a link to the examples page. Do I need to install the complete boost developer version locally to get to the examples? -- cu Uenal

U.Mutlu wrote, On 02/15/2015 04:27 PM:
In the online documentation tutorial there are multiple times mentioned references to the examples page. But where are these examples exactly located? On the documentation pages I couldn't find a link to the examples page. Do I need to install the complete boost developer version locally to get to the examples?
Ok, other people had the same problem locating the examples: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1257640/boost-program-options-examples In one answer there the examples are located here: http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_57_0/libs/program_options/example/
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