What does sys_err = 3 mean? or where can I find out?

I am using Boost filesystem and I am getting an error (sys_err = 3). Where can I find a human-readable explanation of this error? Are there text explanations that can be included in my app to better inform the end user what the erro means? Any help will be much appreciated. Andrew Bond

Andrew Bond wrote:
I am using Boost filesystem and I am getting an error (sys_err = 3).
Where can I find a human-readable explanation of this error?
The error_code object has a message() member http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_37_0/libs/system/doc/reference.html#Class-er... HTH, -- Éric Malenfant

The error_code object has a message() member http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_37_0/libs/system/doc/reference.html#Class-er...
Thanks - that has solved my problem (and allowed me to track down my bug - double thanks). Andrew
participants (2)
Andrew Bond