I am trying to compute a 2 Dimensional numerical integration with the help
of Boost. I've been reading the documentation for a couple of days and my
CPP language knowledge is just up to legacy CPP level so I'm a noob.
I saw this page
in documentation which calculates the quadrature using* Gauss-Kronrod *rule.
I was trying to build upon it and calculate a 2-d integral using
Gauss-Kronrod rule. My understanding is *a 2D integral is basically 2 1D
integrals with the Cartesian product.* So I was thinking If I can nest two
integration function then I'm done. I've started from the aforementioned
example and extended it a bit so the code for a 2d integration looks like,

Ritajit Kundu via Boost-users wrote:
I am trying to compute a 2 Dimensional numerical integration with the help of Boost. I've been reading the documentation for a couple of days and my CPP language knowledge is just up to legacy CPP level so I'm a noob.
I saw this page https://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_73_0/libs/math/doc/html/math_toolkit/gauss_... in documentation which calculates the quadrature using*Gauss-Kronrod *rule. I was trying to build upon it and calculate a 2-d integral using Gauss-Kronrod rule. My understanding is *a 2D integral is basically 2 1D integrals with the Cartesian product.* So I was thinking If I can nest two integration function then I'm done. I've started from the aforementioned example and extended it a bit so the code for a 2d integration looks like,
Hi Ritajit, I'm not up on combining the integrals as you would like. A math pro may come along and point it out. What you can't do is make up new functionality that the library does not support. What you will probably want to do is run with two independent gauss_kronrod calculations and combine them for your Cartesian product; code you would write on top of that. For instance, the signature,(what the integrate(..) call want to see), of the lambda is a function that has one parameter of a double and returns a double. Just as in the example: double (lambda){ return a double;} integrate(..) can not be made to work in two dimensions by changing the way you call it. It will only work on a 1 D integral.
double Q = gauss_kronrod
::integrate(gauss_kronrod ::integrate(f1, 0, std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 5), 0, std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), 5, 1e-9, &error);
Look into C++ function signatures. Integrate looks like.
static auto integrate(F f, Real a, Real b, unsigned max_depth = 15,
Real tol = tools::root_epsilon<Real>(), Real* error = nullptr, Real* pL1
= nullptr)....
I've talked about the signature of F, above you are passing a POD,
double, the return value of integrate. This is what 'error: no matching
function...' means
Like I said, I don't know the 'math' answer here but at the least, this
does compile.
Best, Dan
participants (2)
Dan Bloomquist
Ritajit Kundu