boost::threads - a few more questions....

I have a few more questions regarding boost::threads: 1) Is is at all possible to get a return value from a function which was passed into a thread - for example after calling thread.join() ?? 2) Assuming that I create a thread from within another thread ( for exaple: from within the "main" thread - main()); is there a mechanism for that newly created thread to notify my "main" thread that it has finished execution?? Is there some sort of library (I am looking for something platform independent) which would allow me to do that?? 3) I would lie to run two threads in a client application. One would be responsible for receiving and the other for sending data. The threads would basically run in infinite loops. Both sending and receiving would be done to/from the SAME socket. My question is: Do i still have to lock the mutex during each opperation?? I have been doing a LOT of testing WITHOUT locking it and have not had my program crash (yet). Is that because the kernel (running win2000 and using the winsock API) is somehow dealing with all the overhead of locking/unlocking the socket, or have I just been lucky?? Thanks in advance for any suggestions. Best to you all Peter
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