[Graph] Questions and remarks
Hello, Some questions and remarks regarding Boost.Graph: i) Why does write_graphviz require a VertexEdgeListGraph? I was unable to invoke it on an adjacency_list using sets as containers for vertices and edges; instead I had to switch to vectors. However, the function is meant to output - does the efficiency of the traversal really matter? ii) Would it be possible to mutate the graph in the visitors of an algorithm? For instance, generating the graph during a breadth-first search, by adding vertices and edges. Presumably, it would be the user's responsibility to color the vertices appropriately. (Interestingly, visitors take a non-const reference to the graph - but compilation failed at some other point). iii) The documentation of the distance_recorder states that "A WritablePropertyMap where the key type and the value type are the vertex descriptor type of the graph." which has to be a mistake. It seems this has already been pointed out in the past (http://boost.2283326.n4.nabble.com/BGL-distance-recorder-td2571349.html) but is yet to be corrected. Albert -- kojirion.github.io
participants (1)
Albert Yiamakis