Hi, I think the preprocessor library could help me here but I'm having problems understanding it. Maybe someone will be so kind to explain it to me a bit. Here is what I want to produce: void foo(char); void foo(int); void foo(unsigned int); .... You got the idea. Something that repeats a list of things i.e. here, types. How can I do that? Thanks! Eric [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

#define ARG_LIST (char, (int, (unsigned int, (long, ...))))
#define DO_IT(r, data, elem) void foo( elem );
The LIST_FOR_EACH macro repeatedly calls DO_IT for every member in ARG_LIST.
In DO_IT, r is the next available LIST_FOR_EACH repetition. data is the
middle argument to LIST_FOR_EACH (in our case, nothing), and elem is the
current element under inspection (char or int or unsigned int, etc...)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Eric Robert"
I think the preprocessor library could help me here but I'm having problems understanding it. Maybe someone will be so kind to explain it to me a bit. Here is what I want to produce:
void foo(char); void foo(int); void foo(unsigned int); ....
You got the idea. Something that repeats a list of things i.e. here, types. How can I do that?
Thanks! Eric
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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Tanton Gibbs wrote:
#define ARG_LIST (char, (int, (unsigned int, (long, ...)))) #define DO_IT(r, data, elem) void foo( elem );
BOOST_PP_LIST_FOR_EACH( DO_IT, , ARG_LIST ) ^ This empty argument is undefined in C++. In C99, it is allowed and called a "placemarker." Instead of passing nothing, just pass anything and ignore it.
// ----- //

Eric Robert wrote:
I think the preprocessor library could help me here but I'm having problems understanding it. Maybe someone will be so kind to explain it to me a bit. Here is what I want to produce:
void foo(char); void foo(int); void foo(unsigned int); ....
You got the idea. Something that repeats a list of things i.e. here, types. How can I do that?
Thanks! Eric
The best way to do it depends on the scope (i.e. size) of what you want to repeat. Doing something like the above is pretty easy in a variety of different ways, but I'm guessing that you want to do something more complicated. Regards, Paul Mensonides
participants (3)
Eric Robert
Paul Mensonides
Tanton Gibbs