Boost.Spirit bug report [Was: Bug report on Boost 1.32 lib]
Ulzii Luvsanbat
Hi Aleksey,
Hi Ulzii,
I got this email address from, if you're not the right person please forward this to the appropriate folks.
The most appropriate place for bug reports would be either of our two main mailing lists (, to one of which I'm cc-ing. Please see for the more details on the Boost bug reporting policy.
We believe we ran into a bug in Boost 1.32 library. Here are the details:
Basically boost_1_32_0\libs\spirit\test\bug_fixes.cpp test is failing for us with Visual C++ Compiler.
In range_run.ipp file:
template <typename CharT> inline bool range_run<CharT>::test(CharT v) const { if (!run.empty()) { const_iterator iter = std::lower_bound( run.begin(), run.end(), v, range_char_compare<CharT>() );
if (iter != run.end() && iter->includes(v)) return true;
if (iter != run.begin()) return (--iter)->includes(v); }
return false;
but range_char_compare::operator() in boost\spirit\utility\impl\chset\range_run.hpp does not accept the same types as arguments:
template <typename CharT> struct range_char_compare {
bool operator()(range<CharT> const& x, const CharT y) const { return x.first < y; }
bool operator()(const CharT x, range<CharT> const& y) const { return x < y.first; } };
Now, in our lower_bound implementation (in Debug) we assume/enforce that Predicate is a valid ordering on the (First, Last) interval.
The C++ Standard says:
25.3.3 Binary search []
1 All of the algorithms in this section are versions of binary search and assume that the sequence being searched is in order according to the implied or explicit comparison function.
The explicit comparison function provided to lower_bound in the repro case cannot be applied on the sequence being searched. Thus, we cannot check the assumption of
The test passes if we add one more overload in range_char_compare, something like:
template <typename CharT> struct range_char_compare { bool operator()(range<CharT> const& x, const CharT y) const { return x.first < y; }
bool operator()(const CharT x, range<CharT> const& y) const { return x < y.first; }
bool operator()(range<CharT> const& x, range<CharT> const& y) const { return x.first < y.first; }
Can you please confirm this?
I believe covers this exact issue in detail. HTH, -- Aleksey Gurtovoy MetaCommunications Engineering
Aleksey Gurtovoy wrote:
Ulzii Luvsanbat
writes: Hi Aleksey,
Hi Ulzii,
I got this email address from, if you're not the right person please forward this to the appropriate folks.
The most appropriate place for bug reports would be either of our two main mailing lists (, to one of which I'm cc-ing. Please see for the more details on the Boost bug reporting policy.
We believe we ran into a bug in Boost 1.32 library. Here are the details:
Can you please confirm this?
I believe covers this exact issue in detail.
Hi Aleksey, Ulzii, This is already corrected in the current CVS by Hartmut Kaiser. Regards, -- Joel de Guzman
participants (2)
Aleksey Gurtovoy
Joel de Guzman