random::mersenne_twister ctor and seed() methods
Hello All! I just started using boost/random project, and kind of confused with behavior of random::mersenne_twister constructor and seed method. The thing is that both of them have two flavors -- first accepting DataType, while second is template method accepting Generator. The problem is when I am trying innocent boost::mt19937 rng(999); //and/or rng.seed(999); wrong ctor/seed being invoked and I am getting far from crystal clear error message (term does not evaluate to a function). The problem is quite obvious: 999 is of type int, while DataType by default is unsigned long on my platform, so template version of ctor/seed picks this call, and it is failing since 999 is not a generator. So I have to write something like: boost::mt19937 rng(boost::mt19937::result_type(999)); which is kind of cumbersome. Why generator version of seed is not named differently? Say seed_gen? Don't know what to do with constructor though. PS: I am using boost_1_28_0, and MSVC 6.0. Best regards, Kirill Lapshin.
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