dollar sign doesn't work in regular and format expressions

I am compiling a program that uses the boost RegEx library on an AS/400 native C compiler. When compiled with VC6 it runs fine, but when compiled with the AS/400 compiler, the dollar sign doesn't function in either the regular and format expressions. For example, when I try a regex_merge and I have a format expression something like this "Example $1 and $2", it will find the submatches, but not insert anything in for $1 and $2, it'll just be "Example and ". Also, in a regular expression when the dollar sign serves as a line anchor, it won't match when it should. Both usages of the dollar sign run fine when compiled on the PC. Everything else, so far, seems to be working okay on the AS/400. Anyone have any ideas? Thanks, Doug
participants (2)
Douglas Roberts
John Maddock