RE: [Boost-users] Re: why so many .so and .a files for boost?

I was wondering why I get duplicates on my Linux box as well. The files are with 1_32 and without extension and they are exactly the same. Full debug/release install takes about 0.5G. This is a lot!! Pshemek -----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Russell Hind Sent: 20 April 2005 09:09 To: Subject: [Boost-users] Re: why so many .so and .a files for boost? Rene Rivera wrote:
libboost_signals-gcc-1_32.a libboost_signals-gcc.a
'mutil-thread' and 'sigal-thread' support? What's the relationship between these versions and the compiler options like '-pthread' ?
Answers at..
But why duplicates of each? On windows I get libboost_signals-bcb-1_32.dll and libboost_signals-bcb.dll Which are both the same. Why are there libraries without the version number in created? Cheers Russell _______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list -------------------------------------------------------- If you are not an intended recipient of this e-mail, please notify the sender, delete it and do not read, act upon, print, disclose, copy, retain or redistribute it. Click here for important additional terms relating to this e-mail. --------------------------------------------------------

Sliwa, Przemyslaw (London) wrote:
I was wondering why I get duplicates on my Linux box as well. The files are with 1_32 and without extension and they are exactly the same.
On any Unix I would expect those to be hardlinks to each other. Are you sure this is not the case? Markus

Markus Schöpflin wrote:
Sliwa, Przemyslaw (London) wrote:
I was wondering why I get duplicates on my Linux box as well. The files are with 1_32 and without extension and they are exactly the same.
On any Unix I would expect those to be hardlinks to each other. Are you sure this is not the case?
On my Debian GNU/Linux installation, 2/3 of those files are symlinks. I think that's just for convenience, so instead of linking such longwinded names as you can just link to libboost_filesystem (which is a symlink to the former). Since Windoze doesn't have symlinks, I don't know how this handled there though. -- Matthias Kaeppler
participants (3)
Markus Schöpflin
Matthias Kaeppler
Sliwa, Przemyslaw (London)