All right, I'm still trying to figure out the MPL lambda stuff. I had expected this to work: template<typename Arg> some func { typedef ... type; }; typedef transform< sequence, some_func<_>
::type result;
But I get a compiler error about a missing apply<> in some_func.
This works:
typedef transform<
::type result;
I don't understand why the placeholder doesn't convert some_func
to an appropriate metafunction class.
Similarly, I tried to use unpack args:
::type result;
The compiler complained about a missing apply<> in some_func2.
Again, this worked:
typedef transform<
::type result;
Is it because I'm using _ rather than _1 and _2? The examples in the MPL manual using is_same, etc. work fine for me. Learning lots. Hope to learn more. :) -Dave

David Greene wrote:
All right, I'm still trying to figure out the MPL lambda stuff.
I had expected this to work:
template<typename Arg> some func { typedef ... type; };
typedef transform< sequence, some_func<_>
::type result;
But I get a compiler error about a missing apply<> in some_func.
Because some_func isn't defined anywhere? What compiler, BTW?
This works:
typedef transform< sequence, quote1
::type result;
I don't understand why the placeholder doesn't convert some_func to an appropriate metafunction class.
I don't understand why/how you could expect it to. It's not as though the MPL can retroactively generate a specialization of some_func that has a nested ::apply<> metafunction. Assuming you meant to write some_func at the top and not func, some_func<_> is a placeholder expression and therefore a lambda expression. Unless your compiler is broken, that should be sufficient to allow it to be passed as the 2nd argument to transform.
Similarly, I tried to use unpack args:
some_func2 { typedef ... type; }; typedef transform< zipped_sequence, unpack_args
::type result;
The compiler complained about a missing apply<> in some_func2.
Looks like it should have been a syntax error. Your <>s don't nest.
Again, this worked:
typedef transform< zipped_sequence, unpack_args
> ::type result;
Is it because I'm using _ rather than _1 and _2?
Shouldn't be. Examples from http://www.boost-consulting.com/metaprogramming-book that use _ in that way work just fine, and were tested with at least 2 compilers.
The examples in the MPL manual using is_same, etc. work fine for me.
I suggest you post the precise examples that are failing for you rather than summaries, and tell us what compiler you're testing on. -- Dave Abrahams Boost Consulting http://www.boost-consulting.com
participants (2)
David Abrahams
David Greene