RE: [Boost-users] Problem with boost random library.

This is totally a shot in the dark, but the last time I had this problem, my static class members inside a gcc library were not getting constructed because I wasn't using gcc as my linker. Perhaps those two have static non-POD members and the others don't.
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Joshua Little Sent: Saturday, July 03, 2004 8:09 PM To: Subject: Re: [Boost-users] Problem with boost random library.
Just to make sure I answer my own mails as much as possible. I tried a few different random generators. Rand48, mt11213b, and minstd_rand and they all worked inside of my game. So it seems like mt19937 and the lagged_fibonacci's are causing the problem. So obviously I can use one of the other generatrors but its still bothers me that the mt19937 and lagged_fibonaccis generators segfaults for reasons that are not apparent to me. Maybe this information will help give ideas to anyone who might know what might be wrong, maybe there is a difference between the generator types that might be causing the problem? Thanks, Joshua. _______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list> ost-users
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