Hi all,
I am having problems serializing a vector.
When I have code like this:
ar & m_attrVec; // in my serialize function
I get this error:
xyz.cpp:213: no match for
`boost::archive::text_iarchive& <<

Hi all,
I am having problems serializing a vector.
When I have code like this:
ar & m_attrVec; // in my serialize function
I get this error:
xyz.cpp:213: no match for `boost::archive::text_iarchive& << std::vector
>&' operator Am I missing something,
Have you read http://www.boost.org/libs/serialization/doc/index.html. The error is most likely related to your Attribute pointer, and not so much with the vector itself. Jeff Flinn
participants (2)
Jeff Flinn