[Log] [ASIO with ssl] windows service crash on windows server 2008

OS: Windows Server 2008 SP2
Boost 1.56.0 (shared library)
OpenSSL: Win32OpenSSL-1_0_1i
I have a windows service application written in C++. As a minimal test
case, I have created a small demo code to show the problem. The service
just log some information to a file and does nothing.
The same code has no problem in my Development machine(windows7) and window
Server 2003.
Also on Windows Server 2008, when the service is run as LocalSystem
privilege, it crashes, but when run as Administrator it works.
Additionally, when I remove the asio ssl header from the code, it works.
or when I remove the log header, it works. The problem seems to be related
to when ASIO ssl and LOG are used together.
Below I've included
1. Code
2. User Mode Crash dump
3. Call Stack obtained from running Crash Dump
*1. Code:*

On 26.9.2014 09:26, Pritesh Acharya wrote:
Details: OS: Windows Server 2008 SP2 Boost 1.56.0 (shared library) OpenSSL: Win32OpenSSL-1_0_1i
I have a windows service application written in C++. As a minimal test case, I have created a small demo code to show the problem. The service just log some information to a file and does nothing. The same code has no problem in my Development machine(windows7) and window Server 2003. Also on Windows Server 2008, when the service is run as LocalSystem privilege, it crashes, but when run as Administrator it works.
Additionally, when I remove the asio ssl header from the code, it works. or when I remove the log header, it works. The problem seems to be related to when ASIO ssl and LOG are used together.
Below I've included 1. Code 2. User Mode Crash dump 3. Call Stack obtained from running Crash Dump
*1. Code:*
/ /#include / /#include / /#include / /#include / / / /#define SLEEP_TIME 5000/ /#define LOGFILE "C:\\AASSLInstaller_D_56\\memstatus.txt"/ / / /SERVICE_STATUS ServiceStatus; / /SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE hStatus; / / / /void ServiceMain(int argc, char** argv); / /void ControlHandler(DWORD request); / /int InitService();/ / / /int WriteToLog(char* str)/ /{/ / FILE* log;/ / log = fopen(LOGFILE, "a+");/ / if (log == NULL)/ / return -1;/ / fprintf(log, "%s\n", str);/ / fclose(log);/ / return 0;/ /}/ / / ///void ThreadFunction()/ ///{/ /// WriteToLog("at ThreadFunction");/ /// //std::cout << "hello World " << std::endl;/ /// //getchar();/ ///}/ / / /int main() / /{ / / using namespace boost::log::trivial; //for logging/ / boost::log::sources::severity_logger_mt< boost::log::trivial::severity_level > lg;/ / //WriteToLog("at main");/ / //return 1;/ / SERVICE_TABLE_ENTRY ServiceTable[2];/ / ServiceTable[0].lpServiceName = "MemoryStatus";/ / ServiceTable[0].lpServiceProc = (LPSERVICE_MAIN_FUNCTION)ServiceMain;/ / / / ServiceTable[1].lpServiceName = NULL;/ / ServiceTable[1].lpServiceProc = NULL;/ / // Start the control dispatcher thread for our service/ / StartServiceCtrlDispatcher(ServiceTable); / / return 0;/ /}/ / / / / /void ServiceMain(int argc, char** argv) / /{ / / int error; / / / / ServiceStatus.dwServiceType = SERVICE_WIN32; / / ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_START_PENDING; / / ServiceStatus.dwControlsAccepted = SERVICE_ACCEPT_STOP | SERVICE_ACCEPT_SHUTDOWN;/ / ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; / / ServiceStatus.dwServiceSpecificExitCode = 0; / / ServiceStatus.dwCheckPoint = 0; / / ServiceStatus.dwWaitHint = 0; / / / / hStatus = RegisterServiceCtrlHandler(/ / "MemoryStatus", / / (LPHANDLER_FUNCTION)ControlHandler); / / if (hStatus == (SERVICE_STATUS_HANDLE)0) / / { / / // Registering Control Handler failed/ / return; / / } / / // Initialize Service / / //error = InitService(); / / error = 0;/ / if (error) / / {/ / // Initialization failed/ / ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; / / ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = -1; / / SetServiceStatus(hStatus, &ServiceStatus); / / return; / / } / / // We report the running status to SCM. / / ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_RUNNING; / / SetServiceStatus (hStatus, &ServiceStatus);/ / / / MEMORYSTATUS memory;/ / // The worker loop of a service/ / //boost::thread t(&ThreadFunction);/ / while (ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState == SERVICE_RUNNING)/ / {/ / char buffer[16];/ / GlobalMemoryStatus(&memory);/ / sprintf(buffer, "%d", memory.dwAvailPhys);/ / int result = WriteToLog(buffer);/ / if (result)/ / {/ / ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; / / ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = -1; / / SetServiceStatus(hStatus, &ServiceStatus);/ / return;/ / }/ / / / Sleep(SLEEP_TIME);/ / }/ / return; / /}/ / / /// Service initialization/ /int InitService() / /{ / / int result;/ / result = WriteToLog("Monitoring started.");/ / return(result); / /} / / / /// Control handler function/ /void ControlHandler(DWORD request) / /{ / / switch(request) / / { / / case SERVICE_CONTROL_STOP: / / WriteToLog("Monitoring stopped.");/ / / / ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; / / ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; / / SetServiceStatus (hStatus, &ServiceStatus);/ / return; / / / / case SERVICE_CONTROL_SHUTDOWN: / / WriteToLog("Monitoring stopped.");/ / / / ServiceStatus.dwWin32ExitCode = 0; / / ServiceStatus.dwCurrentState = SERVICE_STOPPED; / / SetServiceStatus (hStatus, &ServiceStatus);/ / return; / / / / default:/ / break;/ / } / / / / // Report current status/ / SetServiceStatus (hStatus, &ServiceStatus);/ / / / return; / /} / / / *2. Dump* /Dump Summary/ /------------/ /Dump File:with_ssl_56.exe.4208.dmp : C:\Dumps\with_ssl_56.exe.4208.dmp/ /Last Write Time:9/26/2014 11:59:38 AM/ /Process Name:with_ssl_56.exe : C:\lpa_c\wix_for_service\build_win\src\with_ssl_56\Debug\with_ssl_56.exe/ /Process Architecture:x86/ /Exception Code:0xC0000005/ /Exception Information:The thread tried to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access./ /Heap Information:Not Present/ / / /System Information/ /------------------/ /OS Version:6.0.6002/ /CLR Version(s):/ / / /Modules/ /-------/ /Module NameModule PathModule Version/ /------------------------------------/ /with_ssl_56.exeC:\lpa_c\wix_for_service\build_win\src\with_ssl_56\Debug\with_ssl_56.exe0.0.0.0/ /ntdll.dllC:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll6.0.6002.18881/ /kernel32.dllC:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll6.0.6002.19034/ /advapi32.dllC:\Windows\System32\advapi32.dll6.0.6002.18005/ /rpcrt4.dllC:\Windows\System32\rpcrt4.dll6.0.6002.18882/ /boost_log-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dllC:\boost_1_56_0_dyn\stage\lib\boost_log-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dll0.0.0.0/ /boost_date_time-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dllC:\boost_1_56_0_dyn\stage\lib\boost_date_time-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dll0.0.0.0/ /MSVCP100D.dllC:\Windows\System32\MSVCP100D.dll10.0.30319.1/ /MSVCR100D.dllC:\Windows\System32\MSVCR100D.dll10.0.30319.1/ /boost_system-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dllC:\boost_1_56_0_dyn\stage\lib\boost_system-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dll0.0.0.0/ /boost_filesystem-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dllC:\boost_1_56_0_dyn\stage\lib\boost_filesystem-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dll0.0.0.0/ /boost_chrono-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dllC:\boost_1_56_0_dyn\stage\lib\boost_chrono-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dll0.0.0.0/ /boost_thread-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dllC:\boost_1_56_0_dyn\stage\lib\boost_thread-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dll0.0.0.0/ /psapi.dllC:\Windows\System32\psapi.dll6.0.6000.16386/ /ws2_32.dllC:\Windows\System32\ws2_32.dll6.0.6001.18000/ /msvcrt.dllC:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll7.0.6002.18551/ /nsi.dllC:\Windows\System32\nsi.dll6.0.6001.18000/ /user32.dllC:\Windows\System32\user32.dll6.0.6002.18005/ /gdi32.dllC:\Windows\System32\gdi32.dll6.0.6002.19171/
*3. Call Stack* / 00000000() / / user32.dll!76659ce4() / / [Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded for user32.dll] / / advapi32.dll!77b84158() / / advapi32.dll!77b840f6() / / advapi32.dll!77b8430d() / / ws2_32.dll!7670ab6d() / / ws2_32.dll!7670aa95() / / ws2_32.dll!7670a3b2() / / ws2_32.dll!7670ae3f() / / ws2_32.dll!7670ad7a() / / ws2_32.dll!7670acc3() / / ws2_32.dll!7670ac2b() / / boost_log-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dll!boost::asio::detail::winsock_init_base::startup(boost::asio::detail::winsock_init_base::data & d, unsigned char major, unsigned char minor) Line 39 + 0x2d bytes C++/ / boost_log-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dll!boost::asio::detail::winsock_init<2,0>::winsock_init<2,0>(bool allow_throw) Line 57 + 0xe bytes C++/ /> boost_log-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dll!boost::asio::detail::`dynamic initializer for 'winsock_init_instance''() Line 116 + 0x1c bytes C++/ / MSVCR100D.dll!_initterm(void (void)* * pfbegin, void (void)* * pfend) Line 873 C/ / boost_log-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dll!_CRT_INIT(void * hDllHandle, unsigned long dwReason, void * lpreserved) Line 284 + 0xf bytes C/ / boost_log-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dll!__DllMainCRTStartup(void * hDllHandle, unsigned long dwReason, void * lpreserved) Line 506 + 0x11 bytes C/ / boost_log-vc100-mt-gd-1_56.dll!_DllMainCRTStartup(void * hDllHandle, unsigned long dwReason, void * lpreserved) Line 476 + 0x11 bytes C/ / ntdll.dll!77a112f4() / / ntdll.dll!779f906b() / / ntdll.dll!77a016d2() / / ntdll.dll!779fbf5a() /
It seems wrong to initialize WinSock from |DllMain()| context. This is WAG, but try using the manual initialization of ASIO/WinSock in |ServiceMain()|. See the comment above |class manual| http://www.boost.org/doc/libs/1_56_0/boost/asio/detail/winsock_init.hpp. -- VZ
participants (2)
Pritesh Acharya
Václav Zeman