Pion Network Library 0.5.4

In conjunction with the first alpha release of our Pion CEP Platform, Atomic Labs is happy to announce a new release (v0.5.4) of the Pion Network Library, an active, fully-functional and Boost-licensed HTTP 1.0/1.1 client/server library built on top of asio. This new release contains several enhancements, including the ability to define alternative thread management and work scheduling for each server instance (PionScheduler is no longer a singleton), and the ability to bind any function object (or function if you use boost::bind) to an HTTP resource (the use of WebService plugins is now optional). We've also added a std::basic_iostream wrapper for TCPConnection objects called TCPStream. In addition, we fixed several bugs that were identified within the last (v0.5.2) release, including issues with parsing chunked entity content, and with parsing responses that include neither "Content- Length" nor "Transfer-Encoding" HTTP headers. Also, the HTTPRequest and HTTPResponse objects now sort HTTP headers using a case- insensitive map, so lookups should now work properly regardless of the capitalization used (if any). Although we have several new things planned for the next few months (such as adding support for user authentication), the networking library is now mostly stabilized and ready for general use. The Pion CEP Platform is open source software, published under the GNU Affero GPL license. The platform is a real-time event processing engine that is designed to be extremely extensible through the use plugins. Plugins can be developed to provide specialized data processing logic, web services, and to enable support for different data encoding formats and databases. You can learn more and download releases at http://www.pion.org Take care, -Mike
participants (1)
Michael Dickey