Boost Parallel Graph Library: remove_vertex gives unexpected results.

Hi All, i need some help with parallel boost graph library. In particular, i am trying to modify the structure of the graph (distributed adjacency list) after it is loaded. The code snippet is at The problem is that clear_vertex(v,g) and remove_vertex(v,g) does not seem to operate on the same vertex in the graph. Here is a sample graph in metis format: (I use the default distribution for this example) The graph_viz output is available here for different scenarios:!20818&authkey=!AJqEFl3B71RMcaM&v=3&ithint=photo%2c.png!20818&authkey=!AJqEFl3B71RMcaM&v=3&ithint=photo%2c.png As you can see in the above figure: The first image is the original graph split into two partitions (mpirun -np 2 ./test) The second image is after clear_vertex is called for one of the vertices. Notice vertex "0". All the edges are removed as expected. The third image is after remove_vertex is called (which is called after clear_vertex, as mentioned in the documentation here: Notice here that the vertex "2" is removed instead of vertex "0" even when using the same vertex descriptor for both calls. I tried putting synchronize(g) after each call, or at the end of both calls. but both gives the same results. Is this a bug or am i doing something wrong. Your help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Alok Kumbhare
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Alok Kumbhare