[boost.users] [statechart] question about event processing rules in orthogonal states.

Hi everyone,
The statechart search for an event handler in post-order (children first
then parent), however when we have orthogonal states involved then the
behaviour I am experiencing is different.
Let say we have an state X with two children [orthogonal] states Y and W.
Assuming none of the handlers discard (or defer) an event, the handler for
that event is called in the following order: Y, X, W, X. Note that the
handler of X is called twice. The following code demonstrates the issue:
struct EvTest : sc::event< EvTest > {};
struct Test;
struct Inner1;
struct Inner2;
struct Machine : sc::state_machine< Machine, Test > {};
struct Test : sc::simple_state
participants (1)
Ernesto Rodriguez Reina