Boost semaphore with condition variable
Hi! I have a quite simple problem, but I still lack a nice implementation in C++ with boost. My problem is, that I have two threads A and B and thread A needs some information that B will calculate at runtime. Therefore I need some kind of synchronization. So my first attempt was to use a mutex and a condition variable: Thread A: boost::thread::mutex::scoped_lock lock ( mMutex ); mConditionVar.wait ( lock ); Thread B: mConditionVar.notify_one (); This works nice as long as thread A already started waiting on the condition before thread B finished providing it. Otherwise the notify will be lost. So my second attempt was to use a barrier: Init barrier with count 2 Thread A: mBarrier.wait (); Thread B: mBarrier.wait (); This works fine and A will wait until the result is available and it doens't matter if it starts waiting before or after B finished calculaating. But the problem now is that B also needs to wait for A to reach the point in execution. So if I just want to signal thread A from thread B that some point was reached . I don't know how to do it with boost. If I would have a semaphore available I could init it with 0 and thread A tries to decrement it while thread B will increment it once it reached the point. But says: "Semaphore was removed as too error prone. The same effect can be achieved with greater safety by the combination of a mutex and a condition variable." So how exactly is this achived with the mutex and condition variable. I always only come up with a mutex, condition variable and a bool which all three must be shared between both threads. I would greatly appreciate any suggestions! Thanks, Fabian
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