link problem: boost + stlport + msvc8

This is my first post to the mailing list, and I hope I'm not bringing
up a silly issue but I've been over this a million times already and I
still can't figure it out, so any help is greatly appreciated.
This is my setup:
Windows XP SP2
Visual Studio 2005
I'm trying to write a tiny program, just to get stlport and boost to
play nice together and I still have "unresolved external symbol" errors.
I downloaded stlport-5.1.5 and built it according to the instructions:
* configure.bat -c msvc8
* nmake /f msvc.mak
* nmake /f msvc.mak install
I also added stlport\bin to my path
Next, I downloaded the boost_1_34_1 windows installer and checked all
the options to get all the libraries and added it to my path.
Next, I configured visual studio 2005 as follows:
Tools -> Options -> Project and Solutions -> VC++ Directories -> Show
directories for:
Include Files: Add the path to stlport headers (D:\Program
Library Files: Add the path to stlport libs (D:\Program
Next, on the project level, I Added __STL_DEBUG to the list of
I'm trying to build a Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd).
I also set the (/Zc:wchar_t-) option.
When I tried to link, I got an error saying that
libboost_program_options-vc80-mt-gdp-1_34_1.lib could not be found, so I
had to build it.
I edited the user-config.jam file to add the following line:
using stlport : : D:/Program Files/STLport-5.1.5 D:/Program
Files/STLport-5.1.5/lib ;
This is the command I used to build the new lib
bjam --toolset=msvc-8.0 link=static stdlib=stlport
threading=multi cxxflags="-Zc:wchar_t-" --with-program_options -a -d2
I built the lib and moved it from bin.v2 to lib.
As you can see I took every precaution with wchar_t so that all the libs
are compatible, and still every time I try to link the simple program I
get this error:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "public: __thiscall

Hi Gabriel,
I’m trying to write a tiny program, just to get stlport and boost to play nice together and I still have “unresolved external symbol” errors.
When I tried to link, I got an error saying that libboost_program_options-vc80-mt-gdp-1_34_1.lib could not be found, so I had to build it.
Just a guess: Did you add BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK to your preprocessor definitions? Kind regards, Rainer

Hi Rainer, I'm trying to link statically so setting this option would require dynamic linking and another lib: boost_program_options-vc80-mt-gdp-1_34_1.lib When I try to build this lib, I get a lot of warnings of this kind: ..\..\..\boost/program_options/errors.hpp(21) : warning C4275: non dll-interface class 'std::logic_error' used as base for dll-int erface class 'boost::program_options::error' D:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\INCLUDE\stdexcept(22) : see declaration of 'std::logic_error' ..\..\..\boost/program_options/errors.hpp(21) : see declaration of 'boost::program_options::error' ..\..\..\boost/program_options/errors.hpp(61) : warning C4251: 'boost::program_options::ambiguous_option::alternatives' : class 's td::vector<_Ty>' needs to have dll-interface to be used by clients of class 'boost::program_options::ambiguous_option' with [ _Ty=std::string ] I eventually was able to build this lib and when I build my project I still got the same warnings and the same error :( -----Message d'origine----- De : [] De la part de Rainer Thaden Envoyé : mercredi 5 mars 2008 18:20 À : Objet : Re: [Boost-users] link problem: boost + stlport + msvc8 Hi Gabriel,
I'm trying to write a tiny program, just to get stlport and boost to play nice together and I still have "unresolved external symbol" errors.
When I tried to link, I got an error saying that libboost_program_options-vc80-mt-gdp-1_34_1.lib could not be found, so I had to build it.
Just a guess: Did you add BOOST_ALL_DYN_LINK to your preprocessor definitions? Kind regards, Rainer _______________________________________________ Boost-users mailing list ******************************* This e-mail contains information for the intended recipient only. It may contain proprietary material or confidential information. If you are not the intended recipient you are not authorised to distribute, copy or use this e-mail or any attachment to it. Murex cannot guarantee that it is virus free and accepts no responsibility for any loss or damage arising from its use. If you have received this e-mail in error please notify immediately the sender and delete the original email received, any attachments and all copies from your system.
participants (2)
CHABO Gabriel
Rainer Thaden