I download boost to window2000 OS and run the quick_tour.cpp on VC++ 6 without trouble.
But when i run it on linux with KDevelop i get
/usr/local/include/boost/iterator/iterator_adaptor.hpp:218: template instantiation exceeds
maximum of 17 (use -ftemplate-depth-NN to increase the maximum) instantiating 'struct

Eyal Inbar schrieb:
...it tells you what to do. The C++ standard speficies a limit of 17 for recursively nested template instantiations. To have g++ accept deeper nested templates, add sth. like -ftemplate-depth-20 (or more than 20 as needed) to the compile command (CXXFLAGS). Now I wonder whether "recursively nested" applies only to a< a< a< a< ... > > > > or also to a< b< c< d< ... > > > > and g++ misinterpreted that... HTH, Malte
participants (2)
Eyal Inbar
Malte Starostik