Mac OSX Darwin - Only some libraries get built?

Hi all, My first post here, and this is going to sound so stupid... I am running Mac OS version 10.3.8. I have the Boost 1.32.0 release, and I have 3.1.10 version of boost-jam for the Mac. I have configured bjam according to the instructions. I know about the problem compiling the release version of the serialization library, so have excluded it from the build. I tried to build all (but one) of the libraries with this command line: bjam --prefix=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/prefix --exec-prefix=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/exec-prefix/ --builddir=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/boost_1_32_0/ -sTOOLS=darwin --without-serialization --stagedir=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/stage/ (I realize that I could have omitted some of the directory specifications, but this is the command line that I used.) When it completes, it has only created seven of the libraries. It does not appear to have attempted to build anything else. The libraries that get created are: date_time, filesystem, program_options, regex, signals, test, and thread. These are the only subdirectories that exist under /Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/boost_1_32_0/bin/boost/libs. After getting this result, I ran the entire thing from scratch and captured the output, and I can't see anything related to any other libraries (attempts to create directories, failed compilations, etc.). I tried building one of the excluded libraries with this command: bjam --prefix=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/prefix --exec-prefix=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/exec-prefix/ --builddir=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/boost_1_32_0/ -sTOOLS=darwin --without-serialization --stagedir=/Users/rmanbert/Builds/Boost/stage/ --with-array (Same as previous command, with --with-array added). The only output I saw was this: --------------------------------------------------------------------- skipping Boost.Python library build due to missing or incorrect configuration couldn't find Python.h in "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.2/include/python2.2" You can configure the location of your python installation by setting: PYTHON_ROOT - currently "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.2" PYTHON_VERSION - The 2-part python Major.Minor version number (e.g. "2.2", NOT "2.2.1") - currently "2.2" The following are automatically configured from PYTHON_ROOT if not otherwise set: PYTHON_LIB_PATH - path to Python library object; currently PYTHON_INCLUDES - path to Python #include directories; currently "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.2/include/python2.2" --------------------------------------------------------------------- ...found 2936 targets... (I assume the "skipping Boost.Python" error is nothing to worry about. I'm not using Python. I have no idea what "...found 2936 targets..." means.) Dis I miss something obvious? Does anyone have any suggestions for me so I can get the other libs built? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Rush

Rush Manbert wrote:
My first post here, and this is going to sound so stupid...
Someone said something at some time about stupid questions ;-)
I am running Mac OS version 10.3.8. [...] The libraries that get created are: date_time, filesystem, program_options, regex, signals, test, and thread. [...] (I assume the "skipping Boost.Python" error is nothing to worry about. I'm not using Python. I have no idea what "...found 2936 targets..." means.)
It's the number of "things" the build system figured it can build or use.
Dis I miss something obvious? Does anyone have any suggestions for me so I can get the other libs built? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Didn't miss anything. That's all there is to build, except for python and serialization of course. Everything else in Boost are either header only libraries, or require some extra work to build. If you are interested in using a specific library you should read it's documentation to see if it needs to be built somehow. -- -- Grafik - Don't Assume Anything -- Redshift Software, Inc. - -- rrivera/ - grafik/ -- 102708583/icq - grafikrobot/aim - Grafik/

Rene Rivera wrote:
Rush Manbert wrote:
Dis I miss something obvious? Does anyone have any suggestions for me so I can get the other libs built? Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Didn't miss anything. That's all there is to build, except for python and serialization of course. Everything else in Boost are either header only libraries, or require some extra work to build. If you are interested in using a specific library you should read it's documentation to see if it needs to be built somehow.
Thank you very much! I guess it's time to RTFM! :-) - Rush
participants (2)
Rene Rivera
Rush Manbert